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Old 06-28-2008, 08:39 PM   #1
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Default Saw my first Tm today.

Today I made the drive (about 100 miles) to the closest dealer to Philadelphia, and saw a Tm 2720. Sadly that was the only model they had, the salesman said they were waiting to get more in over the next couple of months.

I must say that I was a bit disappointed, and it's probably only because of my expectations. The TM was really narrow and it seemed to me there was very little room to move around. I have been looking at Hybrids from Jayco, Starcraft, Kodiak, as well as an Outback that has a hard-side slide-out bed. I realize these units will not tow nearly as well as a TM, but there is much more space.

I did immediately notice the quality of craftsmanship and materials was much nicer on the TM than the other trailers I've been looking at.

I'm looking at the TM brochure now and it seems like the 3124ks and 3326 King have more daily living space. However, I'm guessing since they will be the same width that I will still feel cramped due to how narrow the TM's are.

Does anyone whose seen a Tm 2720 and a 3124KS or 3326 have some advice on the difference in living space?


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Old 06-28-2008, 08:57 PM   #2
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I am typing this from my 2720sl in the mountains of NC, I will admit the living space is a little tight with the 4 of us (2 adults and 4/5 yo's). However, think of it this way, how much space would you get with a 20' travel trailer, won't fit in your garage, won't tow as easy, bigger tow vehicle needed, etc. etc. I towed my 2720 down here with a Honda Odyssey, no cruise and watched the RPM's to avoid keeping the torque converter on all the time and got 16mpg avg. Hard to match pulling a 27' travel trailer. Anyway, just things to think about.
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Old 06-28-2008, 09:32 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by jpcoll01 View Post
I am typing this from my 2720sl in the mountains of NC, I will admit the living space is a little tight with the 4 of us (2 adults and 4/5 yo's). However, think of it this way, how much space would you get with a 20' travel trailer, won't fit in your garage, won't tow as easy, bigger tow vehicle needed, etc. etc. I towed my 2720 down here with a Honda Odyssey, no cruise and watched the RPM's to avoid keeping the torque converter on all the time and got 16mpg avg. Hard to match pulling a 27' travel trailer. Anyway, just things to think about.
I sounds like you and your family are having a great time, I'd love to b int eh mountains of NC right now.

My wife, who isn't that crazy about the whole idea of camping, would like a place for us to play games with another couple when we are camping. That is why I was underwhelmed by the space of the 27 I saw today.

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Old 06-28-2008, 09:53 PM   #4
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For me, the best thing about an RV is being able to sleep in my own bed every night and make coffee in my own kitchen every morning.

The floorplans for all of the new RV's are readily available online, so it is easy to see exactly what/where/how big and how heavy they are. The TrailManors offer respectable interior space, proven floor plans, and the ability to have an RV without tying up the capital and facing the daily operating costs of an otherwise unneeded and oversized power train. Instead, I can tow with the same vehicle I would otherwise choose to drive to work every day.

I used to have a 37 foot Winnebago. But with gas at $4/gallon, I find myself happy with the decision to need a little less RV these days.
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Old 06-28-2008, 11:47 PM   #5
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A 3124 KB will give you a little more room and it will have a seating and a table for playing monopoly etc. You would not have as much living room floor space because of the different layout but it might fit your needs. You can go to the TM website: and look at all the floor plans.
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Old 06-29-2008, 02:38 AM   #6
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We had been looking at Trailmanors for a while & almost bought a 2009 2720 in Fl while on a convention trip. We are glad we didn't buy the 2720 in Fl though because after thinking about it & seeing a 3023 we decided it was the one we wanted. It just had a little more room but it was more of what we needed for the long run.

The weird thing was we actually was looking at a used 2006 3023 & ended up getting a in-stock new 2008 3023. Even though the differences are small between the year models we just liked the 2008 3023 a little better. The only bad thing was we didn't have any idea about all the extras we would need for out fitting it. Good thing is now that we bought them most wont need to be bought again for quite sometime hopefully.

We also factored in the weight of the 3023 compared to other models since we would be hauling it with our Land Rover.

Good Luck with your decision.
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Old 06-29-2008, 01:32 PM   #7
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Tell us how you plan to use your trailer? Are you planning 2 adults and kids, what do you want to do, etc.

I agree that you should go look at the floor plans on the TM web site as that will help. What most people will tell you, is that you will spend more time outside your trailer than inside. So far, that has borne out true for us too.

I was looking at the 3124s before we got the 3326. Despite the 3326 being TMs largest, it really only sleeps two (and two dogs) because the other beds are on the smallish size. You can entertain 4 in the living room area (we've done up to 6) without problems.

The 3124s are probably the best compromise for space, storage, and weight. The 3326 is great way for two to travel (spent two weeks in one), though I am going to dump the microwave (we just don't use it). The 3326 biggest advantage is internal storage.
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Old 06-29-2008, 06:50 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by kwilkins View Post
Today I made the drive (about 100 miles) to the closest dealer to Philadelphia, and saw a Tm 2720. Sadly that was the only model they had... My wife would like a place for us to play games with another couple when we are camping. That is why I was underwhelmed by the space of the 27 I saw today.
Ho ho! That is why you need to see one of the slideout models, such as the 2720SL. There is a full-width sofa in the front of the trailer, rather than another bed. There are built-in collapsible tables in front the sofa, and an easy chair to pull up on the other side of the tables. Lots of living-room-type space.

If it is just the two of you (no kids), then this is a wonderful way to go. Of course, if you have kids who are any older than "small", then the lack of a front bed might be a problem unless they are small enough to sleep on the pull-out portion of the couch.

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Old 06-29-2008, 11:14 PM   #9
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Thre is a legal limit to the maximum width of a trailer. I think that in California it is 8 feet. The TM is 7 foot 7, so it could only be 5 inches wider.
They could buid it wider if no on ever wanted to add an awning.

We have the 2720, because we wanted to be able to sleep 4 and sometimes 5.

he kids (25 and 27) sleep in their own tents, but if it rained hard enough to get them wet there is room inside.

Any one of the modesl without the front bedmight be a good choice for you.

Personally, we spend very litle time inside, other than sleeping, washing dishes and taking showers. We cook outside as often as we can. If we wanted to cook inside we would have stayed home.

But, as everyone knows, it never rains in California.
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Old 06-30-2008, 11:55 AM   #10
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But, as everyone knows, it never rains in California. [/QUOTE]

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