Originally Posted by Buck Mills
Going to see the nearest dealer on Saturday and they have a new 07 model of the 3127 which I think is what I want. What would be an appropriate discount for the year old model. I know it's new and they didn't change anything between 07 and 08 but I'll definitely see a drop in resale for the 07.
Buck - I think you meant 3124? We are in the process of buying (I hope) a 2003 3214. I thought the dealer price was a bit high, so I did some research. I pulled prices for 3124 models (KB and KS) off all the sources I could find - using years from 1998 through 2008. I plotted them on a spreadsheet and had Excel draw a line through the scattered prices. I came up with a pretty good representation of an "average" price for each year. I'm new to the forum so don't know how to attach files. If you'll give me your email, or send an email to
[email protected] I'll send a copy to you. I came up with 16 points so it is a pretty good representation of what people and dealers are asking. Hope this will help.