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Old 03-01-2008, 09:41 PM   #1
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Default Talk me out of a new 3326...

Okay. We have first refusal on new (2006 or 2007) 3326 for $28.9.


We have our new TV rated up to at least 6,500#, with a V6, Prodigy brake controller. Majority of our travels will be on flat lands or rolling hills (Louisiana, Mississippi, FL, TX). Possibly mountains every once in a great while (less so if gas hits $4/gal) We are using this for our cowboy action shooting.

My concern is the fuel bite of the 3326 over something like the 3124.

My wife's concern is it too big (I'm fine with smaller, but I think she will like the extra room).

One thing that surprised me, was just how noisy the a/c is. Are they all like that?

What kind of maintenance do these guys need in year?

Well that's it team...waiting on your response...
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Old 03-01-2008, 09:58 PM   #2
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My advice? The mileage bite of a 3326 vs a 3124 will probably not even be noticeable.

No doubt about it, the air conditioner blower is noisy. One of our members (Mike Laupp?) developed a good approach to quieting it down. You can find the thread using the Search tool - it was a couple years ago - or perhaps Mike will chime in and point you to it. But you gotta admit, a noisy airco sure beats no airco, especially if you are in the south.

Maintenance is pretty minimal. Watch the tire pressure like a hawk, grease the bearings (many of us do it once a year, though that is more often than required). If you are expecting freezing weather, drain the pipes. Keep it clean. There really isn't much more than this in the way of scheduled maintainence. Beyond that, deal with loose screws and the like as they come up.

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Old 03-02-2008, 12:13 AM   #3
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It doesn't sound like you really want to be talked out of it!

Like Bill says, our yearly maintenance is keeping up with the outside cleaning, tire & bearing maintenance, and inside cleaning. You have to keep an eye on the batteries too.

I enjoy cleaning our TM much more than cleaning the's not as big!
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Old 03-02-2008, 07:09 AM   #4
P and B
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We've got the 3124 model and tow it with a mercedes ML320. It's a bit marginal but we do fine. It doesn't heat the engine up more than a couple degrees up steep hills and I don't really try to break any land speed records for obvious reasons. The one thing you do need to think about is storing it. In my case, an extra two feet probably would make my life much more difficult with the driveway I cope with. It's steep and windy to boot. learning to back up something like this, I suspect, is somewhat size independent but this is my first trailer (had a class C in a previous life).

The TM is truly a unique product. Even the Hi-lo is very different, which is the only other product out there that's even close. It sounds like you've done your research so, if you have the room and the funds, I don't think you'll regret your purchase.

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Old 03-02-2008, 07:33 AM   #5
Chuck C C
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This is an "If we'd only.." situation. My wife and I have found no down sides to our 3326 once we got used to the towing length. That adjustment came early in the first trip. We enjoy the extra space and the permanent dinette. After 2-3 rainy days every extra square inch is precious.
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Old 03-02-2008, 11:11 AM   #6
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We are somewhat interested in trading up to a 3326 at some point in the future. One question I haven't seen addressed is the effect of two axles and 14 inch tires. Understanding that with four wheels, you are spreading the weight to avoid the nearly-to-the-limit problem with the lighter weight TMs, are there other tire related issues?

I'm thinking of the scrubbing action in turns (particularly in parking, for instance) where two axles make the tires "squirm" to alleviate the side load. And what about towing at 65 mph or above with 14-inch tires?

This is probably a non-issue, but I'm curious and particularly conservative on tires and brakes. Any 3326 owners out there wish for 15 inch tires or would it just be overkill?
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Old 03-02-2008, 01:02 PM   #7
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I can't talk you out of a 3326 because we love ours. Matter of fact this fall we are taking our on a 6 month trip or longer hoping to hit Alaska in the summer of 09. I tow mine with a small V-8 and it tows great. With the twin axles you can really load it up also. I have no issues towing at 65 mph. I wouldn't go any faster then that. So far the 14 inch wheels have not been an issue. My wife took the TM to california and back with my son last summer while I was deployed and she had no issue with sway whatso ever. I love ours just because if you do have a rainy day its still big enough to enjoy.
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Old 03-02-2008, 03:49 PM   #8
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Thanks for everyone's time. We are suppose to close on a 2006 3326 on Tuesday.

I will let you know how it goes...
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Old 03-02-2008, 08:39 PM   #9
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We are on our third TrailManor and, in our opinion, the 3326K is the best TrailManor for comfort and safety. It is a bit pricey, takes a tow vehicle that can pull at least 5000lbs, and you do need a place to keep it. Other than the three considerations mentioned, the 3326K is the ideal travel trailer--easy to tow, easy on gas and easy to handle on truck congested highways.

Good luck on your purchase this week.
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Old 03-04-2008, 07:00 PM   #10
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Go for it; that's a great price!

We've owned a 2002 2720SD, and this 2008 3326K. Grandkids could sleep better in the 2720; Grammie and Grampie have MUCH more room in the 3326.

We've been on the road since Dec 20, '07; here in Mesa, AZ since Jan 5, 2008, and leave for Death Valley and points North on Friday, Mar 7th. When we get home (WA), we will have been gone almost 3 months.

All has gone very well with few (if any) problems. We do think that the side slide-outs you see in big 5th wheel trailers would be nice. The length (and the King-sized bed) are great; TM width overall is lacking, but we adjust to it. The 5th wheelers mutter about 5-6 mpg; we got 13 pulling the old TM, same with the new. TV is a 2005 Tundra, 4.76 V8.

Any TM will be a great buy. Good luck in your hunt.
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