One other thing to consider is that it's really not that hard to hitch up once you get the hang of it, if you have the right tools. I use the Hitching Rods that Camping World sells (for about $25 if I remember right) - two 4 foot fiberglass yellow rods, with a magnet on one end of each of them. You stick one on the ball, one on the coupler, and back up towards each other, until they touch or one falls off. Usually, you're right where you need to be, so you lower the trailer, lock the coupler, and take off. I can do it in well under 10 minutes, with no help (in fact, "help" usually slows me down).
Certainly I don't always unhitch but it isn't that big of a deal if you have to and you have a good system. Of course I still want an electric tongue jack since that would knock a couple minutes off the process.