Originally Posted by Hitheroadave
I looked over the IKEA bedding and could not find the ones you were talking about. I just ordered a 2007 ,3326 King and am looking into bed cover possibilities for a King bed. Is there a certain name for what you have?
It is written is Swedish, so I didn't really get it; I think it started with Mu__ or some such, only one syllable. Each twin double-comforter was squeesed down into a clear cylinder about 18 inches long, and 12 inches in diameter, with a light-weight blue band with zipper at one end. We use the plastic container to store one or the other, if we aren't using them both, since I cannot get enough air out to get it that small after opening. The twin sheet-sacks were across the aisle, and each included a matching pillow case. I hope this helps! -- Walter