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Old 10-23-2006, 01:23 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Question Matress (how thick?)

I am in the process of looking for a used Trailmanor. My question is how thick of a mattress can you install. I want to install a new Tempur-Pedic style foam mattress in whatever unit I buy. At this point I dont know what model number unit I will buy. It the used Trailmanor market you jump when you find a clean one at a good price. Also I guess I could use words of wisdon on what is the bedding like that comes from the factory. Our plan is to take a 6 to 8 week trip around the country next summer (retirement party )
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Old 10-23-2006, 05:07 PM   #2
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The foam mattress provided with the newer TM's 2005 and later are of good quality. The thickness is around 4 inches, and they are on the firm side. To soften it up and provide a more bed like feel, you might want to consider buying a memory foam topper. I use a 1 1/2 inch topper and the feel is almost like my mattress at home. The thicker the topper the softer the mattress. Only you can be the judge for comfort level. If you decide to go with memory foam toppers, the best prices I found are at linen's & things online.
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Old 10-23-2006, 06:20 PM   #3
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I believe, my personal opion, the TM foam sleeping pads will please anyone. I have slept well each night in our cabin on wheels.
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Old 10-23-2006, 06:29 PM   #4
Doug W.
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The TM bed is one of the very few beds besides the SelectComfort I have at home that will let me sleep on my left side without my bad shoulder acting up.
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Old 10-24-2006, 11:56 AM   #5
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We have a Select COmfot bed at home and cannot sleep on the TM mattress as it arrives from the factory. We added a 1 and a half inch memory foam topper and a pillow top mattress pad before we were fairly comfortable. You have to be careful about over stressing the latches when closing, so if you were to add all that we add, you might want to remove part of that before you close down. Queeniereads aka Judi
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Old 10-25-2006, 08:26 AM   #6
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I was sleeping on unzipped sleeping bags

That was ok but I wanted a little more.

I found a king size fiber bed topper at JC Pennys and put it in a 300 thread count queen size duvet cover. Found it on sale one weekend for $50.

I leave it in the house and when I pack for travel I leave it on the couch and throw it on the mattress when we open the TM up. A blanket and a couple of pillows and we are done

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Old 10-25-2006, 10:19 AM   #7
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Default TM Mattress

I have a bad hip and can't sleep on the factory mattress in our '06 TM. At home we sleep on a water bed. We added a half inch of closed cell foam which we leave under the TM mattress when we close up - the extra insulation is helpful on chilly nights. This still bothered my hip so between the foam and the TM mattress we place a pair of Therm-A-Rest 2" self inflating foam pads. We have to remove the Therm-A-Rests to close up but we use them to cushion the television which travels on the floor. If anyone from the factory reviews these posts, I'm wondering if consideration has been given to double density foam similar to that used by RoadTrek? - Camp-2-Canoe
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Old 10-25-2006, 11:45 AM   #8
Posts: n/a

All good information Is the original matress in a TM 3" or 4" thick. It sounds like if you go much over the original it will get in the way closing her down. Also does anyone know if the depth of the bed frames has changed over the years? Do I have to consider model year or are they all the same. I guess the other question does it change with size of the bed (king vs Queen etc). Another silly question I have read that some sleep fore and aft instead of side to side in a King. Do you make the bed covers open up down the middle to do this. It looks like it would be hard to get to the outside edge of the bed
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Old 10-25-2006, 09:53 PM   #9
TrailManor Master
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Florida
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We have looked at Tm's and wondered how to make the beds with out floping around like a flounder on them while doing so. It occured to us that if before you latch that side together with the sliding bolt (I think that was what we saw) one person could be outside...reach in and tuck the bottom sheet in...the the person inside could slide the bed the rest of the way and bolt it and shake the top sheet and blanket out and tuck them in. We were planning to sleep head toward the rear window in a 3124 KS ...someday.
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Old 10-26-2006, 01:49 PM   #10
Walter Roach
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Default Collaborating on making the bed.

Originally Posted by countrygirl View Post
We have looked at Tm's and wondered how to make the beds with out floping around like a flounder on them while doing so. It occured to us that if before you latch that side together with the sliding bolt (I think that was what we saw) one person could be outside...reach in and tuck the bottom sheet in...the the person inside could slide the bed the rest of the way and bolt it and shake the top sheet and blanket out and tuck them in. We were planning to sleep head toward the rear window in a 3124 KS ...someday.
Debbie and I now make the bed up on our 2005 2720 SL by putting fresh queen bottom sheet over a mattress pad, the morning we break camp. That way we are ready for the next trip. After dropping the bathroom walls, the corner is easy to reach, as long as the wardrobe is still up. She has coordinated the sheet color (tan), and doesn't mind it showing. After she lays the wardrobe down from the inside, I slide the bed forward enough to stand up under the back shell and finish the corners and stretch the sheet out. We tried leaving our sleep comforters on the bed, but it makes the shell difficult to close. Following a choir tour to Scandinavia, we have adopted the Swedish bedding approach: each sleeper has his or her own twin-size comforter inside a large sack. We bought them at IKEA. The system has 2 comforters attached at the corners with snaps. One is light weight, while the other is medium weight. For Fall camping, we opted for using both, and have been comfortablly warm. The bed is very comfortable; separate comforters make it easier to crawl over for a night-time trip to the bathroom.
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