10-17-2006, 08:41 PM
Check Everything at the Dealership
Well, my wife and I just returned from our first camping adventure in our '07 2720sl. When we purchased the TM from Freedom RV in Tucson there were only (2) features that we neglected to test before we drove off the lot. It was about a 100 degrees that day and guess what -- the furnace was one of the features that we didn't check. The tech assured us that the service guys had seen a wolf spider attempt to hide behind the furnace cover and they gleefully fired it up in order to stomp the poor creature when he ran from the heat.
Sounded plausible so we passed on testing the furnace. The first night out the furnace responded to the temperature drop at 5,000 ft but so did the smoke detector. Ain't nothin quite like a smoke alarm at 1:00 am. I believe if I had fired up the furnace at the dealership and let it run for awhile -- then the chemical smell that seemed to emminate from the combustion chamber would have burned off with the doors and windows open. Thank goodness I took the suggestion of some of the sponsors and brought a backup Mr Heater. It kept us comfortable through the rest of the night and I ran the furnace for an extended period in the morning and had no more problems with the furnace.
When we were still at the dealership the tech stood in tub/shower in order to give a demonstration of the recirculating toilet. He used the hand sprayer to charge the toilet but somehow water was never dispensed into the shower itself. So my dear wife is taking her first shower in the mountains and I step outside to see water gushing from somewhere under the trailer. The black ABS peetrap was poorly glued and separated from the drainpipe at first contact with water. I had to go into town the next morning for a replacement 1.25 inch pipe and some ABS / PVC glue. As a sidenote -- it would seem that the glue would be a good thing to add to a TM repair kit.
So -- I learned (a little bit late) the importance of testing everything and I learned that the extended warranty that I purchased may never do us much good partly because I prefer to do my own work on our TM. Hope someone learns something from our questionable choices.
I should say, however, that everything else worked perfectly and the seals held back some of the hardest rain that we had ever seen. Fortunately, we expected to be challenged by some circumstances (especially on our maiden voyage) so we didn't make ourselves suffer too much over events. We have no regrets about purchasing our 2720sl. It was perfect for the two of us, our Aussie, and our other little rescue dog (breed unknown).
10-17-2006, 09:01 PM
Thanks...Good reading...Yall not alone. Good recovery. We do a lot of repairs...just how life is.
10-17-2006, 10:37 PM
Well, I pick my 2720 up on Friday from the same dealer in Tucson. I really hope this is not the norm. I know I can do a lot of needed repairs myself, but I expect a lot more from a 2007 model and especialy when the dealer is a 2.5 hour drive away. I wouldn't put up with poor quality from a new car so why should I from a new RV? Is this the norm folks or did he just get a bad apple? Majority of the posts on here talk to the good quality designed into the TrailManor. Is shoddy workmanship the norm? The probelms written about in this thread are inexcusable x2, manufacaturer and dealer. One of the reason I'm buying a TrailManor is to avoid problems like this associated with other RVs.
10-18-2006, 03:55 AM
Site Sponsor
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 57
I think you'll find that the quality of Trailmanors are equal to and in most instances better than most rv's. I had a few screws loose and an adjustment that had to be made here and there when my 2005 3214ks was new. After a few trips, everything seemed to be ok. Happy Camping
10-18-2006, 10:08 AM
I would echo 2blueranger's comment about TM quality overall.
I purchased a well-used 2002 2720SL and have been over literally every inch of this trailer in my never-ending quest to "improve" it (?). I am nearly always pleasantly surprised at the overall high quality of workmanship and design -- especially in areas that are not normally visible. Wiring is well wrapped, covers are consistently well caulked, screws still secure after many miles of travel, etc.
The TM is a conglomeration of smaller subsystems and components. As with any larger system, any one subsystem can fail or a particular factory assembler can have a bad day. For this reason a complete inspection at the dealer is an excellent way to catch whatever little flaws may have slipped by the factory QA guy late on a Friday. In fact, I would recommend the inspection and then "camping out" in the immediate area to go over everything else that evening by yourself to make sure the instructions were understood and to "play" with the various subsystems. (For example, use the city water to fill the FW tank, disconnect city water and run the FW pump to make sure it runs smoothly (and quietly). This way any small problem does not turn into a major annoyance after you arrive home many many miles from the dealer.
I think after a couple of "shake-down cruises" you will be very pleased.
Regards, Steve
PS: For me, this forum has been a huge assist. I think the good folks here have "been-there-done-that" a million times and are very willing to lend a hand with whatever "adjustments/improvements" you need to make.
10-18-2006, 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by masterge
One of the reason I'm buying a TrailManor is to avoid problems like this associated with other RVs.
Hmmmm. I would suggest reading posts in the technical forums. TM's are just as prone to problems like any other RV. Does that make them bad, no, but they are not going to be problem free either. Things will go wrong in any RV on the market. You just have to hope that they are all minor and are few and far between and don't keep repeating.
As far as picking up your TM on Friday, go over everything with a fine tooth comb. Also test every thing while at the dealer. If something doesn't work have them fix it or if you find the unit totally unacceptable, refuse it. Also if repairs are needed, get everything in writing.
10-19-2006, 02:58 PM
Dealer prep
When we purchased our new 2720 this spring the dealer held us off a few days. He got back from Tennessee and requested that we did not pick up trailer until Wednesday. He said he needed time to go over the trailer and check things out before we took delivery. We have had our trailer since May 10th and have not found any problems. All appliances, air conditioner, and furnace work well. I am glad he took the time and care to make his customer satisfied and happy. Anything mechanical such as a TM can have problems due to manufacture or installer error. The dealer should be able to find and correct these things. Happy trails all !
Midwest Dave
Quad Cities USA
10-19-2006, 04:38 PM
We picked up our 2006 2720SD in March and the only problem we had was a few cabinet doors that didn't shut tightly. Otherwise...everything was great. We did use the checklist found on this site for taking delivery of a new TM. We have had a few minor "incidents" since , however...we brought them on ourselves!!! Enjoy your new TM!
10-24-2006, 09:41 AM
Quality Control
DW & I bought our new 2006 2720SL last December. During the walk thru with our dealer, it seemed to us that the factory left much of the quality control issues for the dealer to address. Our RV had many dirty fingerprints on interior walls and moldings, excess glue along seams and
around fittings, excess caulking around joints and trim pieces, bottom of cabinets had rough edges with splinters, uneven stain on wood cabinets, loose screws on cabinet hinges and missing screws around window frames. Sofa pillows were also missing. Photos of some of our issues
are attached. Thankfully, the dealer corrected all of them. Our major disappointment came, when we addressed these issues in a letter to Mr. Hulsey and never received any acknowledgment from him or the company. Therefore, we still don’t know who is responsible for quality control. Should it be the company before the unit leaves the factory, or the dealer who gets paid a reasonable fee for dealer clean up and prep charges. We can tell you this, that after using our TM 8 times this year, we have had NO issues with any of the appliances or the
unit as a whole. It has quality components that work just great. We have also found that we are the talk of the campground each time we set up and fold down our TM. It makes for a great conversation starter and many new friends. Don’t forget to pack plenty of TM brochures in your TM for those in the campground who inquire about your TM. So make sure you remember to take your delivery check off list, when you pick up your new TM. You can find one on this forum at http://www.trailmanorowners.com/foru...eferrerid=1785
And Enjoy exciting TMing for many years to come.
08-17-2010, 03:53 PM
Re: Master George comment
Reading this thread makes me feel I should start looking at something else. I have been researching every TT for two years now and settled on the TM, for the low towing and the floor plan. But after reading this, I am getting gun shy. I want something I (a single female) can go cross country to visit ederly parents. I don't want a bunch of things going wrong while traveling alone....any thoughts?
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