Need More Signature Info
I hope I'm not the only one with this problem but I read a lot of very informative posts on this site that would be even better if I knew which TM model the author owns and is talking about. Some mention their TM model in the body of their post but many don't. With the obvious differences between the various sizes and the sliders/non-sliders it would be helpful to have a reference point to look for this information.
The best place to show it is in the signature area below each post. To make it appear with every post you can click on "User CP" at the top left of the pages and then click "Edit Signature". A block will appear for entering parmanent info in the signature area. I realize that some don't do this because it makes each post longer and some don't think it's anyone else's business what they have. I respect both those positions but it would help me (and I imagine others) to always know which model people are writing about.
Former 2002 TM2619 Owner
2005 Toyota Tundra AC 4X2