(I write to you again!) It is great to see your interest in the TM and I hope you get your questions answered to perfect satisfaction. I have the largest awning on a 3326 and it extends the full length of the front shell. That larger awning is another reason I selected the 3326, now that I recall. I love to sit out there or work under that awning in the boondocks. And indeed, it is frail in the wind. I have taken to staking it down with two spike-nails and so far it has had no problems at all. I simply set it up as normal with the supports to the TM wall. Then I run a small rope down and stake it to the ground off one corner. Then the rope goes along the outer edge of the awning to the other end where I run it down to another stake. There are probably better ways to do this, but this simple staking has worked perfectly so far. I run with some folk in Weekend Warriors who have larger awnings. Theirs withstands more wind untethered, but mine withstands wind better than theirs when tethered as described.
And yes, you can have them at different heights. Loosen the knob on the extension arm and extend it slightly to raise one side. This allows water to run off better. And speaking of water, I have had no problems with heavy puddles forming on this awning.
I can't tell you how far it extends, but it is a good sized awning. Maybe 10 feet? One thing it lacks is a curtain hanging down to give a little more shade when the sun goes down. But at the same time, the view is therefore better.