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Old 08-13-2005, 06:52 PM   #1
Elaina and George
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Default 2004 trail manor 3023

We are considering trading in our 2003 Mako Gulfstream 30ft travel trailer for a tm. The Mako is very heavy to tow and cumbersome especially in traffic. We are looking at a 2004 3023 that appears to never have even been used (I'm sure it has once or twice) - anyway just the thought of the ease of towability - I am thinking we will be apt to want to camp more often - plus with the gas prices, the tm makes perfect sense. What are your thoughts?
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Old 08-13-2005, 09:05 PM   #2
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And many of us downsized like you are planning to do. But you need to read up on the TM's toilet/bathroom and fridge differences that may take some getting used too. It's all here and easy to find with a search.
Former 2002 TM2619 Owner
2005 Toyota Tundra AC 4X2
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Old 08-14-2005, 08:07 AM   #3
Elaina and George
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Default downsizing to tm 3023

Yes, the fridge is alot smaller and of course the bathroom is too, and have taken into consideration the recirculating toilet. Those are the negatives - We have been weighing out the pros and cons

Pros - Easier to tow - less gas expense, safer to tow and will probably use it more because of the ease and safety. More kitchen counter space than the mako

cons - not as large living area, less storage cabinets, and of course the bathroom issue.

All in all though I think we have talked ourselves out of just getting away on an overnight escape due to the pain of towing the gulfstream. We love to go to Kings Dominion in Doswell and sometimes just get a motel because of the pain of towing. Or a overnighter to Ocracoke.

So with the simplicity of towing the tm - hopefully we will get to play a litte more

looking at a 2004 tm 3023
have 2003 mako gulfstream tr29bh
2005 Dogde Ram 250 Diesel turbo cummins
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Old 08-14-2005, 02:27 PM   #4
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Sounds like it will work for you. Towing a TM is FAR-R-R less stressful than the big ones -- and your Dodge diesel should get near-solo fuel economy.
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Old 08-15-2005, 09:20 AM   #5
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I just returned from Alaska where I towed a 2004 3023 with a Nissan Titan. It was extremely easy relative to a big trailer and I my mileage was reduced by only one mile per gallon or so. Traveled nearly 10,000 miles and had other issues but the towing was a breeze.
2006 Chevy Trailblazer
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Old 08-15-2005, 09:58 AM   #6
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I get 18 mpg with my CTD. You will love it. Dave
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Old 08-15-2005, 11:31 AM   #7
Elaina and George
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Thanks guys for all the great info - We should be getting our 2004 tm 3023 this Friday - Then it will be off to Kings Dominion Campground Saturday for some roller coaster therapy and to try out our new tm
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Old 08-16-2005, 09:17 PM   #8
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Elaina and George (and anyone else who wants to answer), could you please tell me what are some of the problems associated with towing a conventional travel trailer? We've never towed anything but a TM, and I read all the time on this board about the horrors of towing anything else. But I figure thousands and thousands of people out there are towing conventional trailers, so they really can't be all that bad, can they? Actually, I guess I do know what some of the problems are, having read about them here, but if it's so awful, why do so many people seem to have no trouble? I guess I'd understand it better if we ever had actually towed one ourselves, but I'm totally ignorant on the subject.
1999 2720 TM w/ WD hitch
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Old 08-16-2005, 10:53 PM   #9
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Elaina & Geo,
It has been said about flying: "Its hours and hours of boredom punctuated by brief moments of terror." The same can be said about the big rigs. One weekend this summer, while coming home down I17 from Flagstaff, there was a 26 foot Weekend Warrior with Chev 250 pickup still connected both upside down on the freeway. Nice smooth rubber "S-Curves" on the road told the story. Sway. Interesting thing is, I was traveling with 2 identical rigs in a caravan. The other owners must have puckered when looking at that....
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Old 08-18-2005, 08:36 PM   #10
Elaina and George
Posts: n/a

Well, all I can say is when you are towing a tt that weighs about 8,000 lbs or even more loaded ( and watch out the more slide outs, the more weight) - it can suck!!!! and that is just a tv, clothes and a scrabble game tucked away in the cabinet. Maybe some groceriers, a case of beer and some folded up lounge chairs etc. Now put that behind your truck even with a wdh and life is still going to stink. Have a few tractor trailers pass you by and it is really stinky. We had to replace a transmission on our chevy silverado due to a trip to PA last year. We traded it in for a Dodge 2500 ctd this year. (Backing the beast in is awful, the major beef of my husband). Plus the gas mileage loss. Hopes this helps - So tm here we come
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