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Old 03-19-2005, 07:37 AM   #1
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Default Is it really "good as new?"


First, this board is wonderful! Thank you all for the great info. The level of dedication of the members is unlike anything we've seen on the web - it's one of the major reasons we're buying a TM.

We are looking to buy a used 2002 TM 2720SL. About a year ago, a car backed into the front corner of the closed unit, while parked in a Walmart parking lot. The owners towed the TM to the factory where they repaired it to be as "good as new." We'll obviously check the slide mechanism, the lifting mechanisms and the integrity of alll the seams and seals. However, is there anything else we should check?

We try to avoid used cars that have been hit and I just don't know if we're asking for trouble buying a used TM that has been hit. The owners swear that everything works and looks the same now as before the accident. We hope to buy it on Monday (3/21) so any advice before then will be most appreciated!

Ted & Harma
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Old 03-19-2005, 09:17 AM   #2
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We just got back from the TM factory for some minor warranty work. From what I experienced I would not be afraid of it. That is if everything is as the factory set it up.
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Old 03-19-2005, 11:23 AM   #3
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Ted & Harma -

When a car has been hit, problems quite often arise because the frame has been twisted a little bit and nothing ever quite fits right or lines up again. And with a car, it is hard to see the frame.

With a TM, the frame is very sturdy, very simple (no bends), and it is easy to see and examine. If someone just backed into it in a parking lot, it is unlikely that any frame damage was done, and if the factory has looked at it and blessed it, then you are almost certainly good to go.

You are right, if the slide, the lifting mechanisms, and the seams and seals all work right, you've checked almost everything there is to check. If the hit had been in the rear, there would be a few more things - but the front of a TM is pretty simple.

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Old 03-19-2005, 11:45 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by tritterbrew
We try to avoid used cars that have been hit and I just don't know if we're asking for trouble buying a used TM that has been hit. The owners swear that everything works and looks the same now as before the accident. We hope to buy it on Monday (3/21) so any advice before then will be most appreciated!

Ted & Harma
Ted. Clean out some messages from your PM mailbox. Unable to reply to your last PM on this've reached your mailbox limit.

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