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Old 02-03-2020, 09:55 PM   #1
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Default Guidance on an off the TM subject

Bill, if I'm way too off topic with my questions here for this forum, please delete my thread. I will totally understand if you do, no feelings hurt.

I know there's a few really smart computer people out there and I wanted to ask if anyone has ever used the program Laplink? I'm helping a friend who'll be getting a new computer and it'll be up to me to move the old files and such over to a new computer. I've done some early reading and watching on YouTube and it looks pretty easy, but I'll have to use USB cables for the transfer. Her network is very slow and she doesn't have wifi.
Is there anything I need to watch for or be concerned about when using the program? She's going from Win 7 to Windows 10.
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Old 02-03-2020, 11:33 PM   #2
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I have always used Clonezilla for that.
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Old 02-04-2020, 12:09 PM   #3
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Just because your friend may not have a wifi network at home, if both PC's/laptops have a wifi feature
they can be linked together. This is called, "Direct wifi" or an adhoc connection. Once you establish the
connection between PC's then there are any number of programs can be used to move the data.
Hope this helps.
Doug B.

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Old 02-04-2020, 02:42 PM   #4
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Wow! Laplink is still around? I used it a few times maybe 30 years ago, when it needed a special cable that I had to make myself. Aside from that, the program worked well.

For me, the big question has always been this. You say you want to move some "old files and such". The first step is to determine which files need to be moved. If it is just data files (documents, pictures, music, videos, etc, plus folders that contain data files), then things are easy. Whiz a copy across the connecting cable, and you are good.

As soon as you try to move programs (also called applications, like Microsoft Word, Firefox, media players, DVD burners, and all other programs), things get really hard really fast. Instead of trying to transfer those, you should make a list of them, and then download and install them on the new computer from scratch. Get them from the manufacturer's web site they originally came from. If you paid for a program, be sure to jot down the license number, if any, so you can use it on the new computer.

The operating system (Windows 7, Windows 10, etc) is a whole 'nuther bag of worms. I wouldn't even try to do a file-by-file transfer. If I understand the situation, the old computer has Windows 7 installed, and you don't want to transfer that. The new computer has Windows 10 pre-installed and up and running, and you don't want Windows 7 from the old machine to overwrite it.

Bill M, Clonezilla looks like a disk clone program, meaning a program that makes an exact duplicate of one computer onto another, word-for-word and bit-for-bit. I don't think that is what you want to do here, since it would copy Windows 7 onto the new computer, where Windows 10 already resides.

Having said all that, there are some transfer programs that will let you transfer everything except the operating system. In other words, they would bring across the data files, and the program files. Perhaps Laplink and Clonezilla can do that, in which case they are a great solution.

If the copy program (Laplink, Clonezilla, opr whatrever) can't do this, then the procedure seems to be that you first start your new Windows 10 computer, and figure out what programs (applications) are already installed. Then download and install all the other application programs you want to end up with. Then, connect your Laplink cable, and find and copy the data files from the old computer to the new one.


WARNING! I am not a computer jock. I would be perfectly happy to be corrected about anything I have said, or misunderstood. In fact, I find myself in a similar but kind of opposite situation. My computer is running Windows 10, while my wife's computer is running Windows 7. I need to grab a copy of Windows 10 from my computer and install it on hers, without disturbing any of the programs or data files that she currently has. Once Kidkraz's issue is resolved, I would love to have some advice on mine.

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Old 02-04-2020, 03:16 PM   #5
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Final note. Some time ago, I sent a query to a company called EaseUs, a highly reputable maker of computer and file manipulation software. As a result, I am now on their mailing list for a number of their products. They do, in fact, offer a product that will transfer everything except the operating system from one computer to another - which I think is what is needed here. Since I needed the opposite function, I didn't go deeply into it, but I will visit their site and see if I can pick out the one I remember.

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Old 02-04-2020, 05:54 PM   #6
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I have always kept the operating system and data in different partitions. So you can clone the data partition, install a new OS, and restore the clone if needed.

It's a lot easier with Linux. ISTR on Windows I used Todo Backup but I fled screaming from Windows after I bought a PC that had Windows 8 on it, and have never looked back.

You mentioned Easus - I think that is who made Todo Backup.
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Old 02-04-2020, 06:36 PM   #7
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Bill -

You are right on all counts. I always meant to keep the OS on its own partition (virtual disk), but I didn't do it in the beginning of my computer experience, and never got around to reorganizing. I should take the time to do it now. It would solve the issue that is the subject of this thread. Back to Kidkraz - are you onboard with this? Now is the time to do it right, while Windows is all by its lonely self on the C: drive.

My son, who is more PC-knowledgeable than I, also went to Linux, and has urged me to do it, too. Another "someday".

You are also right about Easus being the maker of ToDo Backup, which is the application I was thinking of. The Easus stuff is quite good in my limited experience, and it is quite inexpensive due to the never-ending series of sales. But it requires a new paid license every year - and unlike the Forum, it ain't $12.

Thanks for getting on this topic. I'm still learning. I hope I get to the re-organizing task someday, but unfortunately it is low on my list.

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Old 02-04-2020, 09:45 PM   #8
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Gent's, thank you all for responding to my query.

I'm planning on using the LapLink program. I pinged to company and they gave me a couple of good links to specific knowledge pages on their site, which I booked marked on my computer.
My friend hasn't ordered her computer yet, but when it's received, I'll set up a partition with the new computer. Something I need to do with my system, but as Bill has said...that's for another day.
As to copying folders/files/pics and everything else on a thumb drive or SD card...that I can do and have done. I also know I have to get a backup of emails addresses within her email account. Those little but so important favorites, once gone sucks.

Bill-I updated my desktop to windows 10 and didn't lose any files, data or programs. Even my email came over, but not sure if I was asked while the upgrade was running or what?

I can't thank everyone enough in responding to my question. In giving me knowledge on the WiFi transfer that I didn't know was possible. You gentlemen give me more reason to love this forum and all who support it.

Thank you all again
2013 2619
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Old 02-06-2020, 05:42 PM   #9
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I used a program called Resilio Sync. It allowed me to keep my old computer as a back up. Keep in mind, they will only sync if both computers are on and connected at the same time. I invested in a NAS as well, so my files can be synced between my laptop, desktop at home, and my tablet. This arrangement is extremely handy to keep my work files updated on my home computer.

Resilio sync could be used to synchronize data files between your old computer and new one, then uninstalled once your done if you wish.

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