I believe that TM made very few of the Rise version of the trailer. I'm not sure you would call it a "prototype" as much as a marketing experiment. TM simply wanted to know if there was a market for this floor plan. Apparently there was not.
However - I believe (again) that when TM built a Rise, they used all the same parts and methods as they did in manufacturing all the other models, so there should be no danger of getting stuck with an "orphan" that was made of strange parts.
I can't comment on the price. The fact of the matter is probably that so few were made that there is no experience base for pricing.
A google search on "Trail Manor Rise" will bring you a lot of info. There is an announcement of the soon-to-be-available Rise on Facebook. Although it is dated June 2014, almost everything else leads me to believe that first availability was summer 2015. I believe it was out of "production" by 2016 or 2017.
From Facebook
"June 8, 2014 · BIG News. We're finalizing our new RISE travel trailer. It opens and closes with the touch of a remote control. Check out our website updates, and watch for more details in the coming days: http://trailmanor.com/wordpress/?page_id=494"