Re:trailmanor tryout
You might send a query to your local dealer. If you sound like you are really ready to buy, he might give you a sales pitch, a bunch of literature, and the keys to a unit for a weekend.
By the way, do you have something to pull it with? If not, I understand that there are some (a few) RV places that will take one to a campground and set it up for you. Don't know if TM has any such arrangement.
By the way, renting an unfamiliar vehicle, and trying it out cold, with four young kids and a dubious wife "helping", is a rough way to try out the camping experience. Another approach would be to rent a motor home for a few days. It gives you the camping experience, but you don't have the hassle of towing an unfamiliar vehicle, or setting one up for the first time. They come equipped with everything, right down to tableware and pillowcases. Guaranteed to be a smoother experience. Then, if the overall camping experience is approved by your family, go to a TM dealer and let him walk you (both of you, without the kids if you can manage it) through a new unit.
I have had good luck with motor home rentals from CruiseAmerica.
By the way, the mountains of western MD is a beautiful place to camp. I understand that the eastern shore is, as well. What would your family prefer?
Good luck