Viewing albums?
How do we view others members albums? I can't find pictures of interior
shots using the search tool. 'Photo' and 'jpg' are invalid tags, too bad.
Really just wanted to find photos of curtains but no luck searching and
no luck trying to browse albums.
We are in the process of replacing the curtains. I will create our album
and upload the before and after photos. In the mean time, we wanted to see
what others have for window treatments.

dab1950 = Doug and Sue
2006 2720SL, 15" wheels, swing tongue, electric stab jacks(very nice).
New Dometic(Atwood) Aircommand A/C(2019).
2018 Toyota Highlander, WDH, Primus IQ BC.
2008 Dodge Durango-sold
Honda EU2200i Inverter/generator
1996 Playbouy Pontoon boat. 50 HP Tohatsu OB.
"Love to Sail", "Love to fish", "Love to camp".