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Old 08-08-2003, 09:05 AM   #1
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Default West Nile Virus Caution

:-\This post may be off the usual camping route but thought I should bring up a WARNING about the West Nile Virus that is making news. During our recent trip across country, a lot of the campsites were handing out brouchers about the WNV. Folks, this is rapidly becoming a serious concern in the healthcare world. A very wet spring brought on a serious increase in the mosquito population and along with this came an increase in the number of reported cases of this sometimes deadly disease.

I would hate to hear about any of dear members getting this disease. Please use repellants when camping. Especially around any areas that have water near them. We have had two cases reported in Burlington, CO. in the last few weeks. Colorado just lost an individual to this virus. The virus is on the increase and it does not look good.

ColoradoCop 8)
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Old 08-08-2003, 08:13 PM   #2
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Default Re:West Nile Virus Caution

Yes, have been very aware of it for quite some time Ray. Actually, I saw on the news last night a report on it being especially bad in Colorado of all places in fact, having the highest per capita instance for the disease of anywhere in the US! That being said, I can certainly recommend the VERY BEST mosquito repellant I think ever invented. Forget Off!, forget "Skintastic", forget all of that. Having spent as much time as I have in the weeds, I learned one unfallable thing about those type of products, they only work for 4 hours or less, they stink really bad, and they lend the skin a very unpleasant "greasy" sensation that doesn't go away till it's protection goes away. The army has a repellant that comes in a tube similer to a toothpaste tube, but short and fat. It's constructed of plastic, so it doesn't retain it's shape when you squeeze it. They actually have two types, the other one comes in a bottle with a flip lid similar to the "cutter" products, that is the same way as the OFF! and cutter stuff, don't buy's just as unpleasant to use. However, the stuff I'm recommending in the tube comes out very similar to sun tan lotion, is totally non greasy, has a very pleasant smell for a short time when you first put it on, and lasts 8-12 HOURS or MORE! In Hawaii, which is seething with mosquitos in the places where we trained, our typical day started with "stand to" at 5am, (where we all got up, and hung out laying down behind our packed again rucksacks with weapons drawn to prepare for a possible attack for one hour). Then we'd drop to 50% security, where while one man watched out, the other in his position with him would drop to the middle of the perimeter and shave, clean up, brush teeth, ADD THIS EXACT BUG REPELLANT, then re-camo back up with the camo bars all over face and hands.....Once applied, you didn't have any problems AT ALL, all day long till about 10-11pm when we'd bed down for the night, when once again, it was reapplied, yup, just have to put it on twice a day, and if you're camping in your TM, probably only once in the morning! No greasy feeling at all, no nasty smell, put it on in the morning, and forget about it! And no, water and rain doesn't affect it much either! This can be found at just about any camo/surplus shop, the exact nomenclature is 6840-01-284-3982 and is produced by 3M, tho if ya simply look for the short, fat, olive drab 2oz squeeze tube that looks very similar to a toothpaste tube, you've got the right thing. Believe me, as much time as I spent in the field, that little 2oz tube would last us a couple months or more! It doesn't cost much, about the same if not less than a can of OFF!, but will last you a long long time! (We used to spend up to two weeks at a time in the weeds, never had a problem using this product.)

On an interesting, and pretty funny sidenote though, new guys to the unit, who weren't quite aware of the mosquito problem that exists in Hawaii, (Oahu), would sleep in their wet weather top, which is basically like a typical hooded yellow rain slicker, but waist length, and of course, olive drab in color, and the hood was retractable around the face. To keep away from the mosquitos, they'd huddle up in it, retract the hood around their face till it had a hole just big enough for their lips and mouths to stick out to breath.......They'd spend all night listening to the mosquito's buzzing at their ears, but not biting them because of it. Anyway, they'd finally get to sleep, and wake up with like 40 bites all over their lips and mouth! (Chuckle) The *really* funny part about it is that it would only happen ONCE! and when it did, looking around at the rest of us all snickering, and staring at them, well, they really couldn't complain about it to anyone for fear of being laughed out of there because they were so new to let such a thing happen, lol, wouldn't have killed em a bit to simply ask for some bug repellent! (As if all the times sent to the supply sgt for cans of squelch, boxes of grid squares, ST-1's for their helmets, (ST-1's = Stones spelled out), Ba 1100ns batteries for their radios, (Balloons), etc....etc.... weren't enough for the poor guys). Now you all thought *this* was a tough crowd!

Anyway, hope this helps you guys, and got a chuckle or two in the process!

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Old 08-13-2003, 07:00 PM   #3
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Default Re:West Nile Virus Caution

My neighbor, freind and doctor recommends the use of DEET as a mosquito reppellant.

NPR announced yesterday that DEET is now safe for children to use as well.

Hope this helps!
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Old 08-13-2003, 07:55 PM   #4
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Default Re:West Nile Virus Caution

Thanks for the heads up.

We purchased some family safe (implies safe for kids) repellant with 12.5% DEET at Target. We're in Southern California, but I'm not ready to take any chances.
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Old 08-13-2003, 09:08 PM   #5
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Default Re:West Nile Virus Caution

It has been reported in the national news that Colorado has the greatest influx of the West Nile Virus. In a way, this is over stated. Not to belittle the threat from this virus, as it is reall and it is a threat. But, Colorado reports on even minor cases of victims while many other states do not. So, it makes Colorado look bad. You must watch out wherever there are mosquitos. To report that Colorado has the worst record reminds me that we also have a Governor that claimed "all of Colorado is on fire" This too was a very untrue statement. Needless to say it was easier to get camp sites as the tourists stayed away. By then there were more mosquitos here than tourists.

By the way, I am doing my part to eradicate the mosquito. I spray each one I see with Deet every chance I get. We have a few Minnesota mosquitos that took the spray can away from me and chased me into the house.

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Old 08-13-2003, 09:35 PM   #6
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Default Re:West Nile Virus Caution

It has been some years ago but Skin So Soft I think an Avon product had DEET in it and it worked very well. Have not needed any in years but that worked well.

Of course we could all go desert camping and not have any problems.
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Old 08-13-2003, 09:58 PM   #7
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Default Re:West Nile Virus Caution

Not so fast. All you have to do is visit Wally World's garden center. Lots of plants and lots of water to keep them going. And just think about the fact that all of them are imported to the local WW from the same sources. Great for hichhiking nasties to ride on.
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Old 08-14-2003, 05:05 PM   #8
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Default Re:West Nile Virus Caution

Yup, and they sure can do some hitchhiking, when I lived on Oahu, HI, at one time, there weren't any mosquito's, but they hitchhiked their way there, and the place is overwelmed by them now. (Not down in the southern popular beach areas due to the strong tradewinds always blowing through). But in the middle of the island, they are horrible!

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Old 08-17-2003, 09:56 PM   #9
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Default Re:West Nile Virus Caution

We just had a notice that Arizona has now found one mosquito with the WNV in San Simone which is on I10 near the NM border.
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Old 08-18-2003, 02:26 AM   #10
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Default Re:West Nile Virus Caution

We had another death in Colorado, brings the number to 7. It is effecting most the elderly. Although just had a 40YO diagnosed here in Kit Carson County.

Please be careful, use bug spray/wipe.

ColoradoCop 8)
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