Originally Posted by Scott O
The problem is the hardware. Blu-Ray burners are either not readily available or expensive. So I have yet to go there, although I would like to.
BluRay burners have been out, and are now quite affordable ($200).
Media is also drastically dropping and more widely available ($2 ea for -R and $8 for -RE in a brand name). The hardware is here and has been here.
When Apple first introduced the Superdrive and the ability to create and burn your own dvd at home, the drives were $1000 and the media was $5 a disc. That didn't stop them from integrating this into their pro line machines right from the factory. Cost wasn't an issue then and it certainly shouldn't be an issue now.
The only issue I'm having is software integration and full support. As I've said, I can burn HD content to standard DVD media now, and with a $200 drive, burn to BluRay media tomorrow. All I've been waiting for is the seamless support in the software as we now see with dvd medial.