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Old 09-06-2009, 02:19 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by drdementia View Post
1. How do you get the on-board water tank to fill up? We've hooked up the shore waterhose and all the faucets work fine, but we don't know how to fill up the big tank that's directly under the kitchen sink, and to know how to stop the water coming in when it's full or does it automatically stop? DUH..
You probably figured this out already, but I didn't see any posts clearing this little detail out......

Unless your TM is different than my 3023, the tank under the kitchen sink is the hot water heater. The clean water tank is a square poly tank under the sofa, with the clean water pump sitting right next to it.

People have already posted how to fill each, so I won't repeat. But I'll mention the obvious.....if you're hooking up to a water supply at the campground, you can ignore the clean water tank and pump.

2008 TM3023
TV#1: 2008 Chrysler Town & Country (3.8L Touring w/ tow package, WDH) (*retired 2018*)
TV#2: 2015 Nissan Pathfinder (w/ tow package, WDH)
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Old 09-06-2009, 07:56 PM   #12
Scott O
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Haven't read the entire thread so sorry if this has been mentioned. There is a glass fuse on the battery. Many people have swapped it to a blade type fuse, readily available at Wall Mart, Pep Boys, Home Depot, etc. Be sure to get a 30 amp is a really easy fix.
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Old 09-07-2009, 03:18 AM   #13
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Default The Winegard Satellite Dish and Antenna

Originally Posted by drdementia View Post
Hello, everyone,

8. These questions may have to be handled by a Winegard dealer. We have a Winegard satellite dish on the roof (former owner never used it so couldn't tell us if the setup worked or not). On the interior wall of the TM right below the dish, there's a box mounted that refers to elevation; despite having TV/DirecTV unit plugged into the Winegard electrical connection on the side of the kitchen sink wall (and shore electrical plugged in and working) we could not get any response/light up/display on that box on the wall when we pushed the button. This was BEFORE we hooked up the unhooked wire on the battery. Does anyone know if that box operates from battery only and when our battery is operational, it should display elevation numbers? Probably need to have a Winegard dealer check it out, but thought I'd ask just in case someone knew.
This is all assuming you have the same antenna that I have (the Winegard RD-4610 with both a Dish and a UHF/VHF Disk). See the attached .pdf manual on the RD-4610 (with RM-DM61 elevation sensor) to confirm your equipment is the same as the one installed by the factory on my 3326. In my installation, the elevation display and the television connection plate are right next to each other on the end of the refrigerator cabinet. The wall plate to the right of the elevation display has two television type connectors and a black button.

The top connector is connected to your RD-4610 UHF/VHF Disk and the black button to the right of the connector turns on the preamplifier to the Disk portion only(UHF/VHF). This top connector(and the black button) have nothing to do with the satellite receiver connection. The top connector should go directly to the television antenna input(if you want to use it). It is like a "rabbit ears" antenna.

The bottom connector goes directly to the Dish portion of your antenna and is powered by 12 to 20 Volts DC from the satellite receiver. The Elevation Display is powered by Alkaline batteries behind the display(it is not powered by the TrailManor 12 volt system). The batteries may be missing or depleted. The manual says they should last 88 days based on 5 minutes/day usage but since yours is a used TrailManor, they may be so old that they are dead. Working properly, the display should "light up" when you push the button on the display, then "go out" automatically after a short time(whether-or-not your satellite receiver is connected).

FYI, the other television type connectors spread around the TrailManor are for connection to the campground cable service(if any) The input connection is on the side opposite the door.

My Dish portion worked really well(the UHF/VHF Disk portion was marginal), but it was a trick to get aligned. It is really important to get the north pointer "dead on" to either true north or magnetic north (which ever your SatFinder reference says to use). Then, line up the Azimuth and Elevation to the correct satellite position as stated for your Direct TV satellite. The Azimuth and the Elevation settings that will be required will change as you travel. There is a free application called Satellite Finder 4.9 available on the web that will give you the exact location of your particular Direct TV satellite (there are 6 of them, so you need to know which one is assigned to your account).

Once you are "close", use the receiver "System Setup" under "Menu" to home in on the signal. Make minor changes in Elevation, then sweep the Azimuth back and forth, slowly.

Of course none of this will work out if you cannot "see-direct line of sight" the satellite position from the position of your Dish.

Hope this helps,

Attached Files
File Type: pdf Winegard RD-4610_RM-DM61.pdf (358.1 KB, 995 views)
Essie, Jerry and Lil' Bit the Mini Schnauzer-(now replaced by TWO Mini Schnauzers, Sassy and Schotzi)
2010 TM 3326 loaded for 3 day trip, 4955# GTW, 26 gal. water, 9.5 gal. LP, 530# Tongue Wt., 15" Dual Axle, TST Tire monitor, Hensley Cub Hitch
2004 Suburban 1500, 11,100# CGVW
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Old 09-07-2009, 07:51 AM   #14
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Does the battery need to be disconnected after each trip? We just bought a used TM2720 but it appears the battery is not working at all. Shouldn't it be charging while you are camping?
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Old 09-07-2009, 07:47 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by larsandlisa View Post
Does the battery need to be disconnected after each trip? We just bought a used TM2720 but it appears the battery is not working at all. Shouldn't it be charging while you are camping?
Simple question, very complex answers. It depends on what type battery you have and what kind of converter is built into your TM. I will assume for this answer that your battery is a conventional wet cell, lead acid, deep cycle, battery and that your TM converter has a three mode battery charger.

Usually the battery stays in the TM so that it can be maintained in a "float mode" condition by the TM converter charger. That means the TM stays on "shore power" all the time in storage. There are exceptions, especially if the TM converter does not have a "float" mode.

If the TM converter is not able to "float mode" charge the battery or if the TM will be stored in cold weather conditions, it is best to remove the battery to an area where it can be kept warm and on "float mode" charge.

Normally the TM battery will be somewhat charged by the tow vehicle during towing(if the TM refrigerator is on DC while towing, the battery can go dead very quickly if the tow vehicle generator is not running).

Most of the time the battery will be charged by the TM converter while on "shore power" during camping or parked where you can plug it into 120 volt AC power.

If your battery is indeed dead, it may be because the tow vehicle charging circuit or the TM battery fuses are bad.

Please take the time to read the many other posts on this subject in the thread "TrailManor information you won't find anywhere else".

Best Regards,

Essie, Jerry and Lil' Bit the Mini Schnauzer-(now replaced by TWO Mini Schnauzers, Sassy and Schotzi)
2010 TM 3326 loaded for 3 day trip, 4955# GTW, 26 gal. water, 9.5 gal. LP, 530# Tongue Wt., 15" Dual Axle, TST Tire monitor, Hensley Cub Hitch
2004 Suburban 1500, 11,100# CGVW
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Old 09-08-2009, 08:48 AM   #16
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Lars and Lisa -

In addition to Jerry's comments.

1. Check the water level in the battery. It is possible that the previous owner didn't add water when needed. If the level is really low, and has been for a long time, the battery may very well be ruined.

2. As Jerry said, check the fuses, especially the one that is in line just a few inches from the battery positive post. If this fuse (or the fuseholder) is bad, it completely isolates the battery from everything. It won't charge on the road, it won't charge in the campground, it won't charge at home, and it won't power any TM loads. On the other hand, if the fuse is good, the battery should charge whenever shore power is available, and should charge on the road as you dirve if your tow vehicle is properly set up and you turn the refrig off. Use the Search tool to find discussions on that topic.

3. What year is your used 2720? What is the make and model of the charger/converter? This will tell us whether it has the float capability that Jerry mentioned.

4. If you can't keep shore power on the TM when it is in storage, then you should disconnect the battery. The parasitic loads (plug that term into the Search tool!) will drain the battery in less than a week. To avoid this, many users have installed a battery disconnect switch (use the Search tool there, too!)

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Old 09-09-2009, 09:17 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by TexasCamper View Post
You probably figured this out already, but I didn't see any posts clearing this little detail out......

Unless your TM is different than my 3023, the tank under the kitchen sink is the hot water heater. The clean water tank is a square poly tank under the sofa, with the clean water pump sitting right next to it.

People have already posted how to fill each, so I won't repeat. But I'll mention the obvious.....if you're hooking up to a water supply at the campground, you can ignore the clean water tank and pump.

The 2720SL (and presumably other "slide" models) have the fresh water tank under the sink, which fills up the area behind the right hand under-sink door, since there is no way to put it on the slide. As nearly as I can tell, all other models have it up front under the couch, etc. Unfortunately, there is no option for a 40 gallon tank, because of this. There's very little under-sink storage, either, on these models.
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Old 09-10-2009, 10:19 AM   #18
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The fresh water tank on the 3326 is located under the stove. The stove is located between the sink and fridge on the street side in this model. The cabinet under the sink is open except for the plumbing and electrical connection box.
Mike Laupp

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Old 09-12-2009, 12:03 AM   #19
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It's off topic but I'm a big fan of the Blackbird after reading the Skunkworks by Ben Rich. I had no idea just how great that plane really was until after reading the book. Brian Shul's book was good pilot's perspective too. Robert
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Old 09-12-2009, 03:04 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by robertkennel View Post

It's off topic but I'm a big fan of the Blackbird after reading the Skunkworks by Ben Rich. I had no idea just how great that plane really was until after reading the book. Brian Shul's book was good pilot's perspective too. Robert

I certainly agree. I have been impressed with that aircraft ever since I first set my eyes on it in a hanger at "the ranch".
It is a marvelous machine and an experience of a know your old when everything you've worked on is now in a museum.

My current avitar is a shot of the Lockheed M/D-21 (Mother/Daughter-21). The program was short lived but involved an air launched, ramjet powered, photo reconnaissance drone launched off the back of an A-12 (forerunner to the SR-71).

You can read and see more details at:


Near the end of the article is a short item that I wrote regarding the Ramjet Engine in the drone.

I suspect I am attracted to the TrailManor for similar reasons. It too is a marvelous machine albeit the quality control is somewhat disappointing.


Essie, Jerry and Lil' Bit the Mini Schnauzer-(now replaced by TWO Mini Schnauzers, Sassy and Schotzi)
2010 TM 3326 loaded for 3 day trip, 4955# GTW, 26 gal. water, 9.5 gal. LP, 530# Tongue Wt., 15" Dual Axle, TST Tire monitor, Hensley Cub Hitch
2004 Suburban 1500, 11,100# CGVW
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