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Old 02-13-2009, 10:38 AM   #11
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OK! Good ideas from all! I will take my utility bucket with us per Wayne's instructions. I actually may have a 5 gallon bucket -- would that be too tall to fit under the waste dumping pipe?
As for the AC, it is a roof mount, not a side mount. It hasn't been overly cold this month, but not hot either. I will, however, try to test it out. Testing the fridge is going to be more of a job, it sounds like. I do not know how full the propane tanks are and this deal will include them "as-is", but I will try lighting the stove first to try to get the air out of the line before I light the fridge. Good suggestion to do this first.
The only wall damage is a small area over the sink that was browned when the owners put it down before the water heater was cooled. There does not seem to be any water damage or leaks and they assure us they have not had any. We will be sure to look in the corners and around the vents. BTW, how do you turn on the 'fantastic fan'? That sounds like a really desirable feature to have. Is there also a bathroom fan to test?
I will review your opening and closing brochure, B&D, thanks for putting it out there! We can also fire up the water heater and test the shower and sink. The seller said that the kitchen sink faucet usually needs to be tightened after towing as it jiggles loose, so I guess I'd better make sure we have some tools.
As for the tires, interestingly enough, they had a blow-out while towing it down to Pueblo from Denver due to hitting road debris from a Semi blowout in front of them. So, they had to get a new tire on that side. The other tire, I don't know about, but will look closely. Don't know which side blew out, guess I'd better ask them to make sure it wasn't the sewer connection side! I'm going to try insert the pics they sent to me, so you all can see what we are looking at, too.
Again, you guys are just great. We are looking forward to being part of all the fun!
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Jen & Rick
2001 3023
1995 Ford F-150 w/Prodigy BC

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Old 02-13-2009, 11:15 AM   #12
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Default Another suggestion.

If this is sitting out in Colorado, odds are that the interior is cool enough that the AC will come on, but without the compressor. Suggest you try the heat first to warm up the inside can even run both at once., then check the ac after the interior has warmed up.
Be sure to fill the hot water with water before turning it on.
I would test the firdge on gas first and if it cools well then shut off Let the outside heat exchanger (vertical cylinder) cool. and switch to electric. If the heat exchanger column gets hot the 110 element is working and should cool fine as well. If you buy it, check my post in the plumbing section re adding a clean out port to the water tank, It makes cleaning a water tank that has been around for a while simple and thorough. Good Luck you will enjoy your TM.
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Old 02-13-2009, 11:44 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by 4Kids2Dogs View Post
BTW, how do you turn on the 'fantastic fan'? That sounds like a really desirable feature to have. Is there also a bathroom fan to test?corkysm60
there is a knob at the fantastic fan that you turn it on. (it is very obvious when you see it) there will also be another knob that you will have to turn to open the cover to it, (again, very obvious when you see it)

as far as the bathroom fan, there is a switch below the sink, (you can actually see it in the bath pic that you posted)

good luck....
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Old 02-13-2009, 11:44 AM   #14
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Be sure to check for any damage resulting from the blow out, particularly if it was on the driver's side -- the tire is right under the sink, water heater, and a bunch of plumbing, including the dump pipe, so you'll want to take a good look there to see if there is any remaining damage.

If it was on the passenger side (with the stove) -- not a big deal. There are just cabinets there, and any damage will likely be fairly superficial if there's any left.

The water heater in older models (like mine) don't have an electric element. Gas only.

From the pictures, it appears to be in pretty good shape.

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Old 02-13-2009, 12:27 PM   #15
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If you are concerned about propane level and testing the appliances, if you have a gas grill, take your tank with you and you will be certain tohave sufficient gas to check it out. From the pics, looks like it is in good shape.
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Old 02-13-2009, 01:14 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by 4Kids2Dogs View Post
OK! Good ideas from all! I will take my utility bucket with us per Wayne's instructions. I actually may have a 5 gallon bucket -- would that be too tall to fit under the waste dumping pipe?
A 5 gallon bucket is too tall. There is only about 10 to 12 inches of vertical space between the ground and the bottom of the dump valves..

When I want to empty the gray tank in a campground, in order to take more showers, we use two 5 gallon buckets to shuttle back and forth to the campground restroom for dumping and use a shallow bucket to capture the drained water and transfer that to a 5 gallon bucket.

I have considered a blue tote, but we only run into the problem twice a year.

For me, the problem with using a blue tote is how do I dump the water from the blue tote down the campground toilet? The blue tote assumes you have access to an rv dump station. I could put the blue tote in the back of the truck, but then I need 3o feet of sewer host to go from the truck to the campground toilet. I would be better off with a macerator.
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Old 02-13-2009, 04:50 PM   #17
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Great! We will stick with the 2 gallon utility bucket for testing the plumbing. We will also check the heat exchanger while we test the fridge. You're right, it may be cooler next week, so testing the AC might be hard. We will try the heating up/cooling down method! Good idea, too, to take the grill propane with us just in case. Let's hope the blow-out was on the passenger side! We'll check carefully under the plumbing lines, anyway.

On another note, do any of you have any ideas about the value of this unit? Oddly enough, the sellers thought it was a 2001 model, but when we saw the title, it was a 2000. We had thought their initial price was fair at 9K, but when we saw that it was a year older, we got to wondering if that would change the value. Checked out NADA, but it was hard to figure because their options list didn't really match the TM stuff. It came up quite a bit lower at $6800, which seems too low, at least from what I've seen from any "for sale" listings I've come across. So I called the dealership and they came in even lower at $5000 (but that is for trade in). Hmmm. I know that actual values are not determined as much from book value but from what the market will actually bear. So I was wondering what you guys who have some experience thought about pricing.

Thanks as always for letting me pick your brains!
Jen & Rick
2001 3023
1995 Ford F-150 w/Prodigy BC

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Old 02-13-2009, 05:21 PM   #18
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Default year

Don't want to speculate on pricing, but TM's are similar to autos,in that the manufacture date and model year don't always match. Ie a 2009 model could be manufactured in May 2008. There will be a data plate on the TM which should have the manufacture date.
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Old 02-13-2009, 08:22 PM   #19
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It looks in better shape than my 2003 though it needs outside cleaning. make sure they have the leaf for the table and cranks for the awning and stabs too. make sure the water heater has water before you start it.
There will likely be loose screws and stuff but they are easy fixes.

Wow are those 14" wheels and tires? Tow it home with empty water tanks.
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Old 02-13-2009, 09:18 PM   #20
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That's interesting about the years for cars -- If it is a 2001 model made in 2000, would the title still say 2000? As for the tires, I don't know sizes, it could be 14". Is that good? I do know that the sellers had it reupholstered and got the propane tank cover. It also has two 20 gallon fresh water tanks, and that seems like a plus to me. If this inspection works out well, we are looking forward to getting it spiffed up and hitting the road with the clan.
Jen & Rick
2001 3023
1995 Ford F-150 w/Prodigy BC

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