I have taken ours off pavement a few times. The two inch lift and bigger tires have really helped keep things from getting ripped off. Newer models have a different axle with more lift. I like the flooring in the new ones and recently tore out the 5 year old carpet. I feel like I have a new TM now!
We checked out the HiLo's in detail at the Pomona, CA show recently. I had really considered one when I was looking to buy. Now that I've seen them up close, I'm really disappointed in them. I think the HiLo is poorly engineered. You have to open both door halves all the time instead of together. The interior doors are more like cabinet doors with little thought on how they are supposed to close and are latched with a snap and cloth. etc.
On the other hand the TM is not nearly as nice inside as an Airstream. I am, however, very happy with the TM.
I hope you find a trailer that fits you.
(Our 2003 has the street side light too in case someone is keeping track.)