Originally Posted by Ed & Jerri
Keith & Ellen
Great idea. What brand of mattress did you put in place of the king? Also do you know the depth of the mattress? Did you line the sides with any foam or material?
A couple of people have PM'd me on this. Here's the scoop:
We ordered our 3124kb from the factory and asked them to give us the queen size rather than king mattress. I got the idea from someone here on the forum.
Unfortunately, my wife has hip problems and the factory mattress was too hard for her, so I bought a 3 inch foam topper (4oz density) that works great except I have to take it off to close the TM. A small price to pay for her to have a good night's sleep. (Me too!)
Someone also has posted that they had a custom mattress made by Tempurpedic. It was rather pricey if I remember right but available, nonetheless.
We use small baskets (about 4"x6") on the sides of the mattress to keep reading glasses, nasal spray, and sundry other small items we may want at night.
I haven't put down foam or anything else along the sides. That allows me to slide the basket and small clock radio around a bit. On foam, that would be difficult. I remember reading here that someone did put foam down, I guess to insulate.
Hope this helps.