Many of you may not know, but on April 4th a Federal Judge may rule to close a large portion of the beaches here. This is the result of the National Park Service not having an ORV plan in place. A group of enviormentals has decided that as there is no plan in place that these sections of beach need to be closed to protect birds. If these clodures take place, you not only won't be able to drive in these areas you can't even Walk in them. NO HUMANS ALLOWED.
For more info. go to or
For those who favor this type of closure---be careful what you wish for--it could be something you love to do NEXT. Nothing is safe from these groups!!
For those opposed PLEASE let your Govt. officals know that you are against this type of action. Contact these officials not only in your home State, but ALL States.
Thanks for your support on this issue.