Since you asked about the wardrobe: big standard hangers are too long, so we bought shorter ones at Walmart. At IKEA, they have great 47 inch hanging shoe "racks" in fabric that have a solid back so stuff cannot slide thru. In addition, they have collapsable "drawers" for these hanging compartments. Really cool! I saw a TM owner at our New England Rally in CT last month who used this system. THe unit velcros over the wardrobe bar.
Most folks seem to keep their extra storage cabinets full when lifting but most seem to keep paper plates and light stuff in them.
We have a 3124KS so our under-bed storage may be different. We do not have shelves in there so we keep a plastic bin of extra towels and sheets and blankets in there along with our sleepingbags and pillows and the air pump for our Select Comfort beds.
Happy hunting -- hope you get that TM. We are happy TM campers.