I switched to Sprint about two years ago after my previous provider never provided in out of the way areas (I don't remember who it was, one of those pay as you goes...maybe Virgin mobile, maybe). I did the switch after asking everyone who was on a cell phone where I couldn't get service who their provider was. Sprint came up more often than any other. About as often was Verizon and my siblings both wanted me to get that as it is what they use, but I had a remarkably bad experience with Verizon years ago and vowed never to do business with them again. I have been happy with them and the plan I got is decent but not great. My major problem is that the phones we got aren't good. They are the free ones that came with the promotion, and they are just barely adequate. Does anyone know a site that REALLY compares phone features and performance and doesn't just list a few popular features?
tucsoncarol, hubby, teenage son, two greyhounds (again) and a cat.