Mike -
Please refrain from posting your dealer ads and come-ons. As soon as the Edit function is re-activated, I will move or delete your posts, but for the moment it is dead.
By the way, you are not "the TM Dealer for the East Coast". You are the only TM dealer in New Hampshire. Maine and Vermont have no dealers, so you may serve at least part of that area. However, there are a dozen or more dealers distributed up and down the East Coast, including a very good one in Hyannis, MA.
Furthermore, no one should buy into the "No Sales Tax in NH" line. I lived in NH for 30 years, and like most states, the sales tax (aka Excise Tax) is imposed on the vehicle the first time you register it - no matter where you register it, including New Hampshire.
This kind of word games and tricks does not speak well for your business ethics. Please refrain.
Thanks in advance for your co-operation, Mike.