So glad you're in the club.

I agree with the pro's on a few weekend trial runs in your new baby. You'll need to be comfortable with the TM's systems and capabilities of your TV before you trek too far from home. First I'd avise that you download, copy (someone else will need one!) and use the checklists and owner's manual off the website. They are worth their creator's weight in gold. We found the information extremely accurate -- espeically the part about the smoke detector
Be sure to check out the Trailblazers chapter in your area. The local groups help you to get to know your TM neighbors and also help with the practical side of "customizing your TM" with hands-on stuff at rallys and Jubilee. We totally enjoy modifying our unit to make it work for us. Finding creative and useful ways to change our "little house" is half the fun of ownership. As you know from this forum, there are many ideas.
I'm the Lisa part of the signature. With a few modifications to the TM, the galley will work just like the one "back home", in my case even better. If DW isn't sure she can create meals like the ones at home, I'd tell her differently. The only thing I needed to cook like I was at home was my spices, and making a spice rack was easy--Rubbermaid has hanging baskets, drawer organizers affixed to a piece of luan works, or you can make the old fashioned kind. Anyway, the gourmand in me was happy once I got my spices onboard.
One of the things we use a lot of is power strips--not to overload the circuit, just to put the circuit where we need it. I even had to do this in my kitchen at home (why don't builders think about this stuff?). I put in drawer/shelf sliders and made drawer dividers to make using the space more efficient. For example, in the 3023 there is a triangular cabinet on the door side of the stove in which we added two shelves. It makes a great canned goods pantry.
Be sure to check out the shower curtain modification and the hands free shower head options. I love being able to shower in my TM! I found a way to alter the curtain from Hal's directions that works just a bit better. Please private message me if you'd like the info. You note that we all like to share what we've learned and done.
Have tons of fun! We do!