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Old 08-18-2005, 11:53 PM   #11
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Default One last point......

Originally Posted by InALaska

Well, the GCW of the Highlander with the tow package (which includes a converter and larger radiator) is 7985 lb. Max tongue weight is 350 lb. Toyota will never give anyone a straight answer, so I'm not even going to try to ask them. ...........snip..... ensure we've pondered every thing.

Assume the trailer is 3500 lbs., ready for towing.
Then 7985(GCW)- 3500 = 4485 lbs.
Dry weight of a 2002, V6, 2WD Highlander is 3660 lbs.
Add 300 lbs for two adult pax + 125 lbs fuel and the Tv is at 4085 lbs.
So, 4485 lbs - 4085 lbs = 400 lbs!
That is, w/the trailer at 3500 lbs + 2 adults + fuel, one would have 400 additional lbs for cargo whilst remaining within GCW rating.
Ad an adult or teenager - it's over.

Finally, if the TV is a 4WD, then the Highlander dry weight is 220 lbs. greater and cargo capacity, without additional peeps, is nil. If 2nd row seats can be removed, one can gain an additional 100 lbs or so of cargo capacity.

Re: Tongue weight: 600lbs on the tongue, no WDH = 600 lbs tongue weight! Six Hundred lbs on the tongue, with WDH connected properly = 200 lbs. on the hitch. Remember, 2/3 of the tongue weight (as down force) is "distributed" to the TV front axle and trailer axle. It's not an illusion. Torque applied to the TV frame is NOT weight. Down force xferred to the TV front axle, DUE TO torque at the hitch, is the resultant of that torque. On the other end, spring bars xfer force to the trailer frame, hence down force to the trailer axle. The 2 DOWN forces are equal and taken together equal 2/3 of the tongue weight. Means the tongue physically carries only 1/3 of the actual tongue weight.

GCW and tow weight are limiting, but not impossibly so. I towed for a 1.5 years with my Honda Odyssey, none the worse for wear. I just had to keep after the combined weight by weighing my trailer and TV before each extended camping trip. No problems, other than the odd snowstorm or 2 - but, that's a long story.

2002 2720SL ....
New (old) 2002 Silverado 2500 Duramax Diesel (7/13/07) 2008 Copper Canyon 32' Fifth Wheel TT
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Old 08-19-2005, 11:27 AM   #12
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I'm guessing you've got just under a 1,000 Lbs to give before adding, you, your spouse, pets, toys, fuel, food, etc. and are over by 1 Lbs on dry tongue weight.

If you are planning to travel short distances over flat terrain you'll probably get away with it til it's time to trade for a new vehicle.

You are definitely testing the limits of what nature expects from your Highlander.

See if the dealer will let you "test tow", then you can see for yourself.
Mario & Idie

'03 2720SL
'07 Tundra 4X4
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