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Old 11-27-2005, 02:37 PM   #11
Bill & Lisa
Posts: n/a
Default Outside shower house

We just recently moved up from a pop up and used our shower enclosure as our "potty stall". We are seriously considering using it as an outside shower enclosure for the TM when the weather allows--come spring.

The unit we are discussing is about 4 feet square at the bottom, but only 2 feet square at the top. The shoulder area is therefore about 2.5 feet square. The averave person needs 18" of space for his body without room for raising your arms, say to wash your hair. Add that extra 2-4 feet and it's tight, except from corner to corner. I originally found using it as a potty tent a little restricting--since the potty took up a good deal of space. However, I didn't, at that time, have the TM with it's well appointed but slightly close quarters and now have a new appreciation for bathroom space.

Modifications would need to be made to allow the shower head to hang inside the "stall" and allow water temperature access as there is only one zippered opening. A longer hose would be handy as would installing a D ring and carabiner to the shower head (velcro to the rescue!)

I purchased my stall from KMart and it comes with a hook-in floor that holds water, a net bottom that allows flow through, shower pockets and even a towel bar. I plan to put a net "drain" in the solid floor to direct water to the center so I can contain it in an automotive oil drain pan.

The grates previously mentioned in other posts can be found at Camping World or through any RV dealer's catalog. Personally, I'd make my own from composite decking board and brass piano hinge. When I construct my grate, I plan to make it tall enough so the oil pan will fit. This would allow me to shower without causing environmental harm.
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Old 03-20-2006, 11:14 AM   #12
Posts: n/a

RE: ddnavar post-
Thanks for the photos to show what you were describing. How did you mount the shower head for "hands free?" Nothing can be attached to that outside wall for folding down the TM, right? - so I can't tell how you did that.

TM 2720SD 2002
TV Ford F150
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Old 03-20-2006, 04:12 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
Default Shower head magnet

I got a 3x4" piece of thin metal and used double stick foam tape to attach it to the wall. I then screwed the shower holder into a 2" circular magnet that has a screw hole in the center. The magnet is strong enough to attach it on top of the nylon curtain if I wanted to.
All supplies can be obtained from Ace or Home Depot.
Sorry I don't have a picture of it.
We have found it works quite well.
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Old 03-27-2006, 09:33 AM   #14
Posts: n/a
Default Gray water collection

Originally Posted by Bill & Lisa
I purchased my stall from KMart and it comes with a hook-in floor that holds water, a net bottom that allows flow through, shower pockets and even a towel bar. I plan to put a net "drain" in the solid floor to direct water to the center so I can contain it in an automotive oil drain pan.

The grates previously mentioned in other posts can be found at Camping World or through any RV dealer's catalog. Personally, I'd make my own from composite decking board and brass piano hinge. When I construct my grate, I plan to make it tall enough so the oil pan will fit. This would allow me to shower without causing environmental harm.
I always thought I was pretty frugal in my shower water use, but I can't imagine using an oil pan to collect the water. An oil change is about 5 quarts, and even if the pan is twice that size, it's a pretty skimpy shower. I figure I use about 2 1/2 - 3 gallons of water. That means getting wet, turning off the shower and soaping/shampooing, then turning it back on to rinse.

BTW: I applaud your efforts to collect gray water instead of letting it run on the ground. Very few camp grounds allow gray water to just drain, and even if they do it isn't very good for the soil and the organisms.

Pam (who hasn't read the board in way too long, but is now in the mood for camping!)
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Old 03-27-2006, 04:23 PM   #15
Posts: n/a

In the Boy Scout Explorers many years ago we would be able to get three showers out of a single 5 gallon container of water.

I believe that to this day even at home I take a shower in less than 2 gallons of water. However, I don't quite have the same hair I had back then.
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