Hello Donde1
Now being that you are a member of the National TrailBlazer Chapter, you are also eligibe to attend the National Jubilee in June 25th throu the 30th, 2006. The committee is preparing a "Show and Sell" activity wherein, "amateurs" can set up a table and offer their craft or" to the others.
The Colorado Chapters, Mile High and Pikes Peak are pleased to serve as hosts for this event. It is held every three years and sponsored by one or more chapters of the National Chapter. We are grateful to be able to offer the "best of Colorado". It will be held in Colorado Springs, the center of uncountable numbers of things to see and do. Everyone should mark this date on your calendar. If you are not a member of the National TrailBlazer Chapter, there is still plenty of time to become a member. For membership information go to
www.trailmanor.com and selct "TrailBlazers" from the menu and then the submenu "Membership" Dues are only $15.00 for the first year and $10.00 for each continuous year thereafter. Benefits are numerous. First of all you may camp with the best people in the world (Manorites), you recieve the Tidings, which is the newsletter of the National Chapter, plus you should get a 10% discount on TrailManor parts. The Tidings also provides reports on chapter activities, such as rally schedules. Members are warmly welcomed to attend (rsvp) any of these rallies.
The Colorado chapters have created a web site that you can visit for current information. As is the case with anything new, we need to add or adjust information on this site. You should be able to visit this site now at
Join now and begin receiving many benefits.