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Old 03-16-2005, 08:20 PM   #21
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Default What does 5 stars mean?

Since I requested a list of all the "bugs" you don't like in a TM, and I now
see a 5 star on this post.....does this mean I get a free Pepparoni Pizza?

What does 5 stars mean?

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Old 03-16-2005, 09:28 PM   #22
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It means that someone (me) rated this a very good thread. I did that because I think people are being really honest about what they do and don't like about their TM's and that this particular thread will be helpful to others who are considering buying one.

I like pizza too. If you buy a TM and we ever end up in a campground together, I might consider buying!

'97 2720 & '01 Chevy Silverado 1500 4x4
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Old 03-17-2005, 11:26 AM   #23
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Grand Junction, Colorado
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I too, think that it is important to present both sides of the satisfaction issue. We had a very bad workmanship issue with our TrailManor, that required its return to the factory (contact me by e-mail if you would like the details). After its return, we found that the factory had created addional workmanship issues that bordered on dangerous .

We have now resolved these issues, decided to put them behind us, and enjoy our investment. Since then, We have had very few complaints . Just the minor problems like screws continuing to fall out etc.

Unlike others, we use our TrailManor off-road (living in Western Colorado presents some interesting camping challenges) and have had no problems with dust or damage. We do take the time to pack it tightly and pad with towels and blankets to keep loose items and furniture from moving during transit. We also pad the bathroom walls to keep them from "banging" together.

There is something about the TM that we really enjoy but we have not been able to "put our finger on it". I think it has something to do with owning a unique camper and the fact that it is cozy and relaxing to camp in.
The Kramers,
Grand Junction
2003 2720SL
1999 Grand Cherokee, 4.7L V8
Factory Towing Pkg.
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Old 04-19-2005, 05:55 PM   #24
Walt Spangler
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hello Jess, I purchased a 2005 2720SL after much research.
the wife had a bad experience with the conventional trailer [her ex almost lost it--anti sway not tightened]. therefore, either pop-up, Hi-Lo, otr TM.
popup--forget it- canvas drying issues.
we looked at the Hi-Lo and honestly the workmanship leaves a lot to be desired. Crawl under the Hi-Lo-particle board, painted black: the TM
totally insulated and encased in aluminum. Weight- another issue.
I tow mine with a 1994 jeep grand cherokee w/ trailer package and was assured that it would "climb" the big hills [Rockies] with no trouble.
also, in order to keep weight down, no china, etc. [also for breakage and glass shards] We bought the lightest weight cooking and serving utensils we could find [Wal-Mart "specials].
I have no problem with the battery operating the fridge when traveling. Guess it has to do with how the system is hooked up to the tow vehicle.
Condensation only happenend on a cold, rainy, dreary night.
And I am 70 years old, weigh 170 at 5'7" and can open and close the TM alone, if set level, as the "book" states. the wife is 5'4" 145 and ,yes. does struggle, but can "operate" it.
Of course, there is always something that will displease you , but as the saying goes"just get over it".

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Old 04-20-2005, 10:39 AM   #25
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I have a 2000 3124KB and am 5'4". While I am athletic, I can open the trailer without a problem. The repairguy even remarked how he thought it would be a pull and it just lifted in his hands. When I open the trailer on uneven surfaces (usually when I meet friends on the way to dog shows and need to throw their stuff into the trailer), I use the bumper to push off of (not usually necessary but it helps on big hills). None of my friends have had a problem opening it either and even my young nieces can do it.

I initially had some problems with fit and finish and workmanship issues. When you pay what I paid for a trailer, you expect screws to be screwed (or even present). We fixed things up as we went along and only occasionally have to tighten something. We use a lightweight bungee from the wheel on the door to the top of the awning just to keep the door in check -- they sure could use something there a wee bit more effective than that silly little plastic stop.

I got the 3124KB for the room (I was told by rving friends before buying that the #1 mistake people make was underestimating "comfort" room). I also wanted the double couches instead of the dinette and the king bed in the back. We have *comfortably* travelled with 4 women -- two on the king bed, one on the front bed and another on the fold-out couch. We have also entertained more friends inside with the larger couches, a chair in the aisle and even someone lounging on the front bed. All this and at least 2 retrievers running amok in the trailer.

Overall, I really enjoy my trailer. It has proven to be amazingly stable, including staying steady when a WHEEL fell off my 1992 E150 van -- the tow truck men took one look at my rig sitting stationary at the end of a hilly off-ramp in a monsoon, the wheel sticking out from under the van at a 20 degree angle being held on by one, very bent and failing bolt, and remarked they couldn't believe they weren't pulling pieces out of a ditch! It is roomy, it doesn't control my life while travelling and it is very comfortable (I like the beds).

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Old 04-24-2005, 12:49 PM   #26
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Default being a little picky

Just finished our first trip in our new 3124KB, over 2,000 miles to Big Bend National Park and back. Loved our TM--it was very easy to tow and I'm a pretty nervous driver, but it went pretty well once I got some practice passing, pulling into gas stations, etc. Haven't gotten parking down yet, but there is always another camper there who directs me (and doesn't get exasperated, like DH does!).

My only complaints are:
1) The water pump is noisy.
2) It adds 20 minutes to breakdown time folding up and storing all the bedding. (Can the trailer be closed over a Travasak that is left on the bed?)
3)The stovetop grate bounced off onto the floor going over (extremely) bumpy I-10 in Louisiana--evidently there are some clips, but they don't hold very well or I don't know how to fasten them correctly. (The fastener that holds the outside storage area door closed also broke off during that phase of the trip. I still think it was the bad road.)
4) You can't fill the fresh water tank with the trailer folded. (I did read one post about doing it upside down through the drain valve? Sounded complicated and time-consuming.) Looking through the front window and seeing the cap right there so temptingly close, yet so inaccessible. . . has anyone tried to rig the window so they can open it from the outside? I sure wish the factory would solve this problem with some sort of outside window opening and closing/locking mechanism.

We picked up a nail somewhere and had a flat on the TM. It was very scary because we had just arrived at Big Bend when we noticed it and the park is a v-e-r-y long way from ANYWHERE. A very nice man at the Panther Junction gas station inside the park changed it and patched it for us (even staying 20 minutes after closing time to finish) and it held up well throughout the rest of the trip and home. (But you do have to open the trailer to change the tire! I wouldn't like that much had we been on the side of the road instead of at a gas station.) The lug nuts were so tight he spent 30 minutes and it took all his strength to get them loose.

These are my only complaints and I consider them minor ones. The bed slept great with just a 1 1/2 inch memory foam addition, all of the appliances worked great. Plenty of room for 2 adults. We dry camped for 6 nights and the dealer-provided battery stayed on G (I'm assuming the indicator works correctly). We used battery-operated Coleman lanterns for light at night since we had read that the cabin lights deplete the battery. Didn't need the furnace or air conditioner. Cooked outside most of the time and used mostly paper plates, but did wash the silverware, an occasional pot, and glasses (dumped my dishwater in the drains provided by the campground when my holding tank started showing 2/3 full) and of course used the pay showers (next time I think I could sneak in at least 2 showers in the trailer without exhausting the holding tank). Took bottled water for drinking and the fresh water tank was nowhere near empty, gray water on 2/3, and toilet nowhere near full when we left (used it all the time except for #2). I was really pleased with the way the trailer lived and everything worked.

So far I have not been able to open the trailer by myself (easy when both of us pull, though) but I can close it by myself except that occasionally it takes two of use to lock the bars (the ones midways of the sides of the trailer)--one to push down and the other to push the clamp into place. It seems to be getting easier the more it is opened and closed, though. Next time I want to try the trick posted earlier about lowering the jack on the front and then the rear prior to opening the shells.)

Have to say that all of the knowledge I gained from this website made a huge difference in the success of this trip with two novices. The orientation at the dealer's and the owner's manual just wouldn't have sufficed!

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Old 04-24-2005, 03:58 PM   #27
Glenn in TN
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It's taken me a while to read this whole thread (its been a while since I've been on.) My wife usually tows our TM with her Excursion (overkill I know - but we had a Dodge Caravan when we 1st upgraded from the popup). She usually has it put up before I get back from the bathroom (she hates to stop on the road - we're oposite of the norm). Of course she is a fortysomething MS redneck girl.

The biggest complaint I have (besides still having some set up/down) is the dinette seats. Ours is a 1997 2619 and when I sit on the cushions very long, I feel like they are concrete.

I have the biggest deep cycle battery from our local Bass Pro Shop and it has lasted us over 6 days of dry camping in the Smoky Mountains. It is about dead the last night (lights very dim and pump working slower - I know that can't be good for it) but it makes it. We do run the fridge on propane with out the vent fan.

About the bedding issue, we used to travel with our beds made. My wife sleeps on the front bed with one kid and I on the back with the other. She insists on: 1 sleeping bab, 2" foam egg crate, sheets, and comforter. I noticed after doing this on several trips that the spring latches were pulling off of the tops. Now they are very bent and won't hold the tops down. She tells me that there is plenty of clearance inside and her bed clothes can't be the problem. All those with DW's - HELP!
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Old 04-24-2005, 06:03 PM   #28
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I haven't contributed anything to this thread so I'll add a couple of comments:

(1) The beds: They are not a problem for us because we are happy with the standard mattresses, use TravaSaks and can close without problems. If they were a problem I think I'd look into adding spacers to the hold-down latches so the tops don't have to come down quite so far. An inch or two of extra highth should solve the problem for most people.

(2) The toilet: I think this problem will be put to rest when Ray, Bill and others move to larger TMs and figure out (and share with the TM factory) a way to add a black-water holding tank with vents to replace the existing system. The smaller TMs probably don't have room underneath for another tank but the larger ones should. Had I not found this site and learned that our E-Magic toilets has an internal fuse that had blown I would have probably replaced ours with a marine toilet rather than spend money on the Thetford. I found a toilet in a boating catalog that was essentially a 9-gal, above-floor holding tank with a flapper toilet on top of it. It had the same base dimensions as the E-Thetford and should have been easy enought to plumb into the existing drain. I've heard that others have replaced their E-Ts so there are probably several opptions. Venting would be the major hurdle but that must be solvable .
Former 2002 TM2619 Owner
2005 Toyota Tundra AC 4X2
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Old 04-24-2005, 08:26 PM   #29
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We have had no problems with the toilet - but still, I'm intrigued. Can you tell us more about the marine toilet you describe (mfr and model)? I did a quick scan of West Marine and didn't see it.

I don't think venting is a big obstacle. DancinCampers did a nice through-wall vent project last July, as I recall. A SEARCH turns it up.

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Old 04-24-2005, 09:13 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by fcatwo
(1) The beds: They are not a problem for us because we are happy with the standard mattresses, use TravaSaks and can close without problems.
I'll second this notion...I find a TravaSak on top of the regular mattress more than enough padding. Probably helps that I do hours of high intensity physical activity every day when I'm out camping. The TravaSak compresses nicely...I've never had a problem with closing the shells even though I just leave the Travasak on the rear bed when I close the trailer.
(2) The toilet: I think this problem will be put to rest when Ray, Bill and others move to larger TMs and figure out (and share with the TM factory) a way to add a black-water holding tank with vents to replace the existing system.
'Twon't be me. Since I travel solo (and fully intend to continue doing so ), my 2720SL is just the right size...big enough to not feel claustrophobic but small enough to fit in my garage.

As for a smell, I gotta ask what smell? Probably because I only use the toilet for urination (but do use a full 8 oz bottle of Thetford blue stuff per charge), I've never had a problem with smell...and I do have very sensitive nose. I dump the toilet only when it gets full...which is usually after about 7-10 camping days.

I use my TM as a base camp for hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, and climbing Colorado's 14ers

The Trailer: 2002 TM Model 2720SL ( Mods: Solar Panels (170 Watts), Dual T-105 Batteries, Electric Tongue Jack, Side AC, Programmable Thermostat, Doran TP Monitor System)

The Tow Vehicle: 2003 Toyota Tundra V8 SR5 4X4 w/Tow Package (Towing & Performance Mods: JBA Headers, Gibson Muffler, 4.30 gears, Michelin LTX M/S Tires, Prodigy Brake Controller, Transmission Temperature Gauge)

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