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Old 06-28-2017, 10:50 AM   #161
Don Freeman
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Default Trailmanor feedback

I am in the process of selling my 2417. Have decided to move up to a motor home. Have had the TM for about 4 years and it been bullet proof. As far as set-up, my wife 5'-3" has no trouble. Just pull from the middle. She can set up/take down in 15 minutes. We keep a check list handy to follow with set up and take down as its important that there is nothing left open to snag. Would encourage you to check out the TM.

Originally Posted by JessWD View Post
I would like to have owners of TrailManor trailers to point out the negative features or operations or opinions they have discovered as owners of their

I have been looking seriously at the HiLo trailers. I am very interested in
the TrailManor and am planning on visiting a dealer soon to see one in person.

One comment I picked up somewhere is that some people might have a difficult time opening it up if they are not strong enough. My wife is 5' 2" and
is not known for toughness or strength. I'm wondering if she would be able
to open up a TM trailer. How much energy or muscle does it actually take?
I know this is a subjective question; but can you give some idea. How would
it compare with lifting a garage door that is on springs?

What other negative observations do you have? I would appreciate total
honesty. I'm not looking for perfection. But I am a skeptical potential
customer. The brochure, for instance, shows a lady acting as if she is opening up a trailer; but it is not a video, so anyone could have pulled it
up and then had her stand at that position for the photo.

I am not trying to be negative, but seeking the whole truth in practical experience.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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Old 06-28-2017, 11:47 AM   #162
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I'm not so sure my wife would be able to open my TM. But, she has me squirt the duck cleaner into the toilet because she claims she cannot make it work. (That may be a ploy to get me to clean the toilet, however!) I know that at least one of my torsion bars have weakened over the years and should be replaced. It's actually quite difficult for me to open that one end. The rear end is much easier to open, and I can do it with one hand.

I think closing and latching the TM may be harder, but if you look around on the forums, a few have come up with ways to leverage it closed.

2002 Tahoe
2008 4.6 Explorer
2001 2720SD

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Old 06-28-2017, 02:05 PM   #163
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It might just need an adjustment. also, if you lower the end you are opening it is much easier to open. rise the end to make it easier to close. ,
Art & Joyce
Current camper: Motor Home
Previous: 2009, 3023-QB and 2003 2720
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Old 06-28-2017, 02:12 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by tentcamper View Post
It might just need an adjustment. also, if you lower the end you are opening it is much easier to open. rise the end to make it easier to close. ,
In my case, the adjustment bolt is maxed out.

The bigger concern is if I let if "fall down", it comes down with a clunk and tend to bind. If I hold up the weak side a little as it come down, it closes normally.

2002 Tahoe
2008 4.6 Explorer
2001 2720SD

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Old 06-30-2017, 02:23 AM   #165
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Originally Posted by HoMiPa View Post
I sincerely hope so - I would really love to see this company succeed. There is nothing that comes close to it.
Former TM 2720 owner
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Old 07-01-2017, 05:22 PM   #166
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I suspect it would be difficult to find a trailer that is perfect. We have friends that are on their second trailer now and say it is not built as well as the first one they had which was too small. I have made numerous modifications to eliminate or improve on problems the TM has. You can find solutions to most problems that bother you here. You can take a look at my pictures and albums here on the site to see what I didn’t like and how I solved the problem.

For me this is the only thing about TM I find a real negative that I can’t figure out how to fix are the high windows. DW keeps falling in love with trailers people have shown to us that have eye level windows. The latest the folding roof Safari Alta; before that an Air Stream. Both had expansive windows providing panoramic views. For me the tradeoffs for these trailers do not outweigh the benefits of the TM. Ultimately after consideration she has agreed with me for now. I have not given up on figuring out a way to raise the couch so we can see out the windows when the weather is not conducive to sitting outside.

TM is definatly not for everyone but don’t let some feature discourage you until you have researched solutions.

Mods not to miss in order of my favs:

Ultimate water bridge
Pastic on shower walls
Toilet vent (lil stanker)
2” memory foam on bed (able to close down with only blankets removed)
Fence post sewer hose holder
Roger and Patty
TM:2006 2720SL
TV: 2010 Tundra w/ tow pac.

Dealer Options:swing tongue, sink cabinet, awning, air conditioning, tile

Modification: 15“ tires & monitor system, WDH, Prodigy B.C., 2-6 V. batteries & clipper monitor, LED's. Additional modifications can be seen in albums.
Pictures of campsites and places we visited can be seen at

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Old 07-01-2017, 07:29 PM   #167
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I like some of the bigger travel trailers with huge windows too, but my wife insists on keeping every curtain closed so it wouldn't matter. She keeps asking me about curtains for the window on the door.
2007/21 TM 3326 (Pride of the Fleet)
2000 2720SL (Rebuild Project)
2002 2619 (Parts TM)
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Old 07-01-2017, 08:35 PM   #168
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Originally Posted by Shane826 View Post
...but my wife insists on keeping every curtain closed so it wouldn't matter.
I know the feeling!

2002 Tahoe
2008 4.6 Explorer
2001 2720SD

Various TM images that you may or may not find elsewhere:
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Old 07-02-2017, 07:11 PM   #169
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I've discovered that if I sit on a pillow, I can see out of the windows much better. A person shorter than 5'10" may need two. I really don't see how could place the windows any lower.

2008 2720SL - 7 cross-country trips so far + ventures into western Canada
2002 2720SL - 70,000+ miles before being retired to the farm
2015 Ford F150

"A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have." -- Author Unknown
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Old 07-03-2017, 10:47 AM   #170
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I also have envied huge windows in other travel trailers. But then I gave it a lot more thought. I don't have curtains or blinds on many of my windows in my home - I can't see any neighbors, and I have a two story carriage house between my house and the road - which is a gravel road with very little traffic. If I wanted to run around inside or outside my home, stark naked, I could, with little concern about being seen.

I have found that I sometimes feel like I'm in a fish bowl when at a campground. Probably because I am acutely aware of people a short distance away from my camper. I don't necessarily close the curtains though, because for the most part, if I'm sitting down, it isn't like anyone can see me below the window. Since I'm also on my own, I can even change clothes without closing the curtains, because no one could see from waist down, and I can sit down to change my shirt without anyone seeing that either.

After pondering it ages ago when I looked at the Lance with it's beautiful big windows, I realized the TM windows are absolutely perfect - the privacy to relax in a chair without anyone seeing in, yet the curtains can all be open.

I realize though, if I boondocked in remote areas, I'd probably want those massive windows. But honestly, the types of places I'd boondock, even the TM couldn't get in there, much less a large travel trailer- so it would be tent camping for me.
2005 Trailmanor 3023 - 2016 Ford Expedition Limited w/ Eaz-Lift WDH
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