Our local news station had an interesting story tonight about how many of the missions in California were constructed in order to take advantage of the light of the winter or summer solstice. Apparently, the chapels were oriented in such a way that on this day the sun would shine right upon the altar through a front door or major source of sunlight. Interesting reading in the article above.
We've visited a few of the missions, our favorite so far has been Mission San Antionio de Padua outside of King City. Here in the public schools the kids do a Mission Report in 5th grade. A lot of the land around there was owned by William Randolph Hearst until the federal govt took it over (? sometime in the 40's), he retained the portion closer to the coast where Hearst Castle is located and eventually it was donated to the State of California. If any of you ever get to this area, Hearst Castle and the tour is definitely worth seeing.