Andreus -
This Forum is not part of RV Trader. Not meaning to be rigid, but the Forum rules for these free For Sale ads (please read them) require that your ad include an initial asking price, and a way to contact you directly. Either a phone number or an email address will do, and of course you are free to do a simple disguise to fool the bots. Links to outside sources, such as Facebook, Craigslist, RV Trader, NADAGuides, dealer sites, any of the social media sites, or whatever, do not meet the requirement. Please take a little time to edit your post and add at least the basic info. Photos would help your ad stir up interest, of course, but are not required.
At the same time, you may remove the junk I have added to your post, top and bottom, to restore visibility. Or I will do it in a few days.