Looking for 2004-2007 2720 or 2619
We’re in search of a 2720, or 2619 preferably QB with front bed, but may consider SL front sofa models. 2004-2007 with a budget of around $5,000. Year doesn’t really matter, but it must have a working bathroom, stove, oven, 3way fridge, AC, & Furnace. and at least the original wardrobe cabinet. No leaks, and side panel flaps in good condition. Basic, in good condition, clean, & well maintained. Ready to go with nothing to repair. MUST at least be clean! (Inside & out) Nothing broken, damaged, or missing. Looking to purchase between May 10-15 ideally, while on vaca from work. Live in Pittsburgh and willing to travel max 7 hrs (We have an infant). Virtual live tour beforehand a must. Thanks