Originally Posted by rd1960
[Re MPG with 2720 vs 3124]Assuming they are both loaded with the exact gear, how much would the fuel mileage vary between the two while towing? ... Wind resistance would be the big culprit in the difference. Mileage is not the only reason we're looking at the TMs but certainly is a plus. Thanks.
For most of us, the importance of this mpg thing is highly over-rated. Consider the following example.
Suppose you drive 12,000 miles a year not towing, plus 1000 miles towing a TM.
Suppose you get 20 mpg not towing, and 16 mpg when towing a 2720. How much gas will you use in a year?
12,000 mi / 20 mpg = 600 gallons non-towing
1,000 miles / 16 mpg = 63 gallons towing
Total gas used per year is 663 gallons towing a 2720.
Now suppose you buy a 3124, a heavier TM, and get only 14 mpg while towing. Now how much gas will you use in a year?
12,000 miles / 20 mpg = 600 gallons non-towing
1,000 miles / 14 mpg = 71 gallons towing
Total gas used per year is 671 gallons towing a 3124.
the heavier TM requires you to buy 8 extra gallons of gas per year. I don't think this should be at the top of your list of considerations.
You can, of course, modify the example to use numbers that are more relevant to your situation. But as you can imagine, the answer won't change much.
Keep your eye on that wind resistance thing, though. That is where a TM (any TM), shines when compared to an upright trailer.