Re:Now look what I've gone and done....
There are bound to be a couple of little things that need some attention right away so staying near the dealer is a good idea if you can. There is a nice little county park in Rio Vista (Sandy Beach County Park 707-374-2097) that has electric and water hookups. I'd call them in advance if you are planning on being there on a weekend for reservations. On our first night we stayed near the dealer and discovered a leak in the pressurized (city) water line that sprayed water all over inside the sink cabinet. Even though the next day was a closed day for their service dept. they called in a man who fixed it right away. Also, our hot and cold water hookups in the tub are reversed, but we didn't catch that at the time and since we are now used to it haven't fixed it yet.
Welcome to the group and above all enjoy.