I would think that more is better. Even if you are in the flat lands doesn't mean you won't want to go to the mountains sometime....right? So better to have more power even if you aren't going to the mountains. That way your TV doesn't have to work as hard no matter where you go.
Sure a more economical vehicle will save on gas, but when towing anything, you're going to want more power and that economy car would be at it's power limit and straining to get going. That's when things break, and that's the last thing your going to want on a vacation! So get something with plenty of reserve towing capacity and power.
Just my thoughts on this subject....
Not everyone needs a towtruck, i have towed with cars/ suv for forty years. No issues and no breakdowns, average 17000 miles pulling each year, east of the mississippi . Everyone is different and tows differently with different needs. Drive what you want, I save fuel costs year round when not pulling😀😀.