Re:Censor system could use a tweak
[quote author=Bill link=board=24;threadid=1693;start=msg12207#msg1220 7 date=1078253603]
I tried this once, Windy. Perhaps you have a secret (tell it!) that let it work for you, but in my experience Notepad inserts a load of line breaks at unhandy places. It seems to depend on how wide the Notepad window is set, at the moment when you cut and paste.
That's an easy one to solve Bill. After you get all your editing done in Notepad, select all the text, then go the to "Format" menu and uncheck "Word Wrap". That will instantly remove the "soft" line returns that Notepad stuck in. With Word Wrap unselected, each of your paragraphs will probably become one, maybe two visible lines. Again reselect all text, copy to the clipboard, then paste into the Forum text editor.
The Word Wrap setting is "sticky" so you may want to reclick it when you use Notepad again so that you do get within-visible-margins line breaks for ease of editing.