Hello Folks:
Dis-regard the previous post for the "Join our Group"! It was supposed to be an HTML link box for our website. But, it did not format correctly.
Anyway, we welcome everyone to come on over and join our Group and the link listed below.
Just post a reply to this message with your Email and we'll send you an invite to join our website and group.
The site will be used as another forum for TrailManor Owners.
It is TOTALLY FREE! Now, that being said, it won't be nearly as good as this site, but will provide another forum for TM owners and prospective owners.
We'd like to get a Photo album started of TM owners, along with photos of their spouses, family members and of course their TrailManors too.
Just leave a reply to this message (don't forget your Email) and we'll send you an invite to join.
Thanks and look forward to hearing from all of you.
Jeff and Brenda Torsrud 8)
Here's the link: