Padgett, I am not saying that salespeople are not trained to maximize the profit. In the same vein, though, so are wait staff in a restaurant, sales staff in big-box stores, etc. Do you go into a restaurant viewing your waitress as a predator? No.
One can look at the up-sell as predatory, or, as an opportunity to let the less-informed know about other items available to satisfy an unspoken need or want. Since many buyers don't buy a car often, many are not aware of additional service packages that can save money, or other dealer-added items that may make the car/RV even nicer for the buyer. Not saying that is always the case, by any means, but not all up-selling is done with malicious intent.
Yes, there are the additional items added purely for profit. An informed buyer expects those, and can deal with them. An uninformed buyer has to take some of the responsibility for being "taken" by some dealerships. Ignorance of a process can be costly. We choose to be informed, or not. The more you know, the less you will pay.