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Old 07-31-2014, 09:11 AM   #1
TrailManor Master
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Join Date: Apr 2014
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Default It has left the building.

At some level I have always liked having a camper. Had a little popup years ago I used to cary tools and tires for my autocross car (towed behind the race car, part of me enjoys being odd). Then a '70 VW Westphalia (rebuilt the engine three times after the machne shop initially got the center main .003 off center...).

Move ahead to this century. I became fascinated with the Vixen, a 21 ft class A that got 30mpg. Came out in '86, company went broke in '89 after producing less than 500 in two versions. Early models fit in a conventional garage. I like that.

Found and bought one in 2009 with the intent of towing an autocross car behind. That didn't happen. Bought a 400 lb teardrop as a "2nd bedroom/luggage cart/closet". That did not work either.

2014 has brought some interesting changes. First sold the teardrop to a friend who wanted to go minimal camping. Meanwhile back in 2012 I had replaced my '92 MiniVan with a new Jeep equipped for towing so started looking first for a Hi-Lo and found they were 1) heavy and 2) defunct. Then I discovered TrailManors.

One of my requirements about vehicles is an active user group/forum and started looking. And when I look I find, in this case a '06 2720SL on a RV behemouth lot (was a trade in). I suspect the next one will have a king bed but for now this is ideal. Already I have travelled more with the TM than with the Vixen. Nice thing about a trailer is that when you get somewhere you have local transportation also. (a TOAD always just seemed rong to me).

But back to the subject, this week the Vixen has gone to a new home so now the transition is complete except for one thing: I need to widen one 8' garage door so the TM will fit. Seems the Vixen was about 10" narrower and I had to fold the mirrors to get it in. Minor problems.

Am looking to replace the broken Fiamma with a roof mount awning to reduce the width required. Found a CareFree awning that is a roof mount. Anyone have experience with one ?
Looking for a 24/17 in or near Florida.
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