You don't mention where you are located. It might be helpful to either see one in person and determine if it's something you would be willing to commit to long term. Most TM owners love showing other people their unique travel trailer.
We look it like a second home. Since we travel cross country every other year, we have used it quite a bit and stayed overnight in Walmarts and Sam's Clubs. Most allow overnight stays. We also love that we were able to camp in Yellowstone with a hard sided camper. Before we could only stay in a certain campground while tent camping. We also camp much more than before as a family. We can go camping in much cooler weather and stay toasty warm. And it makes for a great 'guest house' when family or friends come over. Since we are near D.C., we get quite a bit of family and friends that visit and the TM is great when you need more space to house all the relatives.
It may initially take more time in the beginning to get familiar with the unit, but overall it takes less time the more you use it. Our friends purchased one and love it! They purchased an older unit than our, so there were a few more items to deal with, but just like a purchasing a new house or previously owned home, there are a few things you'll need to fix up or personalize to make it home.
2002 Tahoe 'Marge'
2015 Silverado
2006 2720SL 'Homer'
Prodigy Brake Controller
2.5" Factory Lift Kit
15" Dexstar Wheels
15" Karrier Loadstar Tires w/TR-416 Stems
Bill's Screen Door kit
And a host of other mods...
14 y.o. 'Sasha' (aka 'Miss Kitty), started fostering 12/24/10 and adopted 3/15/11