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Old 05-09-2012, 01:16 PM   #41
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I think "safely tow it" is really more relevant to the driver than the TM. Since the TM is low-profile, there is much less wind influence, either headwind or crosswind. That would be my biggest concern when towing with a 3500 lb-rating vehicle.

My 2001 Grand Cherokee, which was smaller and lighter than the 2007 I now have, towed it safely. I have a Prodigy trailer-brake controller, and a leveling hitch, and it was very stable. I went up and down hills with no problem. I downshift on steep downhills, but really didn't feel like I was being pushed by the trailer.

Personally, if you drive with the awareness of a trailer behind you, I don't think you would be unsafe. Certainly no issue with wind-whip from semis, so it is really more up to how you drive around curves and control your speed when going down long grades.

The transmission should be fine, also, since the trailer is light. Take it out of Overdrive when going uphill, so it doesn't have to shift into passing gear, as that will help. But, you may want to talk to the service department of your Honda dealer, to see what they have seen in their shop.

Good luck!
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Old 05-09-2012, 03:16 PM   #42
T and C
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Speaking of "safely tow it" you said,

When we bought the 2417 in January, I had a 2001 Grand Cherokee with the 4.7 liter V-8. Driving the 60 miles from dealer to home, I got 10.8 mpg (normally would get 23 mpg in that stretch), and went into passing gear going up hills, and still didn't maintain 75 mph.
75 mph is really pushing it for trailer tires. Just search "blowouts" or "Marathon blowouts" on this forum. I don't know what kind of tires they put on yours, but if they are marathons you must add 10 lbs to the tire pressure if you are exceeding 65mph.

If you get a blowout on the driver's side you will tear up your drains, plus possible damage to the bottom of the trailer and the wheel well.

TM 3023

TV 2010 F-150 4.6, factory tow pkg, air bags
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Old 05-09-2012, 11:44 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by binsel View Post
2417 has a Cassette Toilet/Wet Bath option with dry weight of 2300 lb. Do you think our minivan (Odyssey-3500lb limit) can SAFELY pull it with 3 kids and 5 bikes on long distances? I dont want to upgrade my towing vehicle but I dont want to damage its transmission either.
I suspect total weight will be around 3400 lb. It's within limits but not sure it's good for thousands of kms.
My 2619 was weighed a few years ago. 3380 lbs total, exactly (well, plus/minus 10 lbs) 500 lbs tongue weight (I have two golf cart batteries and two propane bottles on the tongue). So I think 3400 lbs is entirely reasonable if you pack fairly light (I do) and don't carry water with you. I have an A/C unit, awning, dual batteries, etc, so I'm on the heavier side empty for a 2619.

I can't speak about your tow vehicle - but did want to let you know some actual measured weights.
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Old 05-10-2012, 08:27 PM   #44
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Yes, my 2000 Ody hauls my 2720 just fine.
I did add an auxiliary Honda transmission cooler.
No race car, but very solid TV.
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Old 05-26-2012, 02:33 PM   #45
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Default 2417

I guess I'll go the other way on the "market" argument for the 2417. In my mind, if TM wants to be successful, they HAVE to broaden its appeal...especially at their prices. They are competing against much more roomy and luxurious RVs in this price they will lose competing there every time. They NEED to make these things small and light enough so that just about everyone can tow them WITHOUT buying a big new TV.

This is a step in the right direction as the 2619 is still too big and heavy in my book to pull with most 6 cyl minivans, small suvs and crossovers. In order to make these things competitive they HAVE to make so the buyer does not also need to invest in a new TV.

In my humble opinion, the 2417 is the best move they have ever made. Add to that the fact they fixed the two main complaints of TMs in the past (small beds and recirc toilet) and I think they have something. I know this is the only TM that I would consider buying (though i'm about 3-4 years out from buying one).
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Old 05-26-2012, 03:03 PM   #46
Scott O
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Originally Posted by moaboy View Post
well I -for one- consider all this "crawling over" business a plus and a built in advantage of a TM.
I couldn't agree more...every once in awhile I get lucky!
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