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Old 07-27-2011, 09:39 PM   #11
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There! Its done! I've posted my 2006 3023 in the for sale section in the "Eastern Region" section. We'll see what happens.
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Old 07-27-2011, 09:48 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by girlbugspoppa View Post
Just wondering what the weight of the Puma is, and will you be towing it with the Toyota? Looked at the floorplan, you'll be able to do a lot with it, best of luck!
6,800 pound empty. So no the Taco has to go. Its been a good truck and has towed that 3326 everywhere.

I really expect, worse case, the 27 SBU will be under 10,000 pounds. Probably much more typically it will run closer to 9,000 pounds. That is based on fresh, gray, and black water tanks at capacity and all our hardware and gensets aboard.

Right now I am hunting for diesel. Candidates are starting to show up.
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:21 PM   #13
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Good luck with your new Puma. The floor plan looks nice. When DH and I get older, we may need to look at another type of TT, but for now, DH loves how easier it is to tow the TM with our Tahoe.

Glad you are sticking around the board. I've enjoyed seeing all your mods and posts on the forum.
2002 Tahoe 'Marge'
2015 Silverado
2006 2720SL 'Homer'
Prodigy Brake Controller
2.5" Factory Lift Kit
15" Dexstar Wheels
15" Karrier Loadstar Tires w/TR-416 Stems
Bill's Screen Door kit
And a host of other mods...

14 y.o. 'Sasha' (aka 'Miss Kitty), started fostering 12/24/10 and adopted 3/15/11

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Old 07-28-2011, 08:49 AM   #14
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Well maybe the people here might be entertained about some of the shortcomings of the Unleashed. This is a portion of what I posted in another forum:

After the initial checkout there were a few items I found somewhat lacking in the Unleashed:
  • No gas/electric water heater. Our TM had that and it has really quick recovery when being used.
  • Cabinets do not extend to the ceiling. For whatever reason the cabinets do not extend to the ceiling. The way this Puma has its cabinets works for us, but cabinets that extended to ceiling would have been better.
  • Small lockers. The locker size seems OK, but I may change my mind about that later. It seems like more space was available but the cabinets did not take advantage of it. I almost think the TM 3326 had more storage space than the Unleashed.
  • No king bed. A queen bed is ok; its what we have at home but I think there is enough space for KB. Extending the width of the bed to fit the room would have been just fine. I really would not call that queen bed a "walk-around."
  • No forward window for master bed. This is one of the things we miss about our TM. You could look out three sides from the beds. It gave you that really open feeling.
  • Under bed storage does not access forward exterior locker. Its a small thing but it would be nice to access the forward locker from inside the trailer too.
  • Genset bay not tall enough for Honda/Yamaha 2000s. Its still a nice locker but you have to commit to an Onan as it is the only thing that will fit in this space. Since I cannot fit Honda/Yammys in that space, it would have better to extend front exterior locker the full trailer width.
  • Not many 12 volt outlets. TM had 12 volt outlets fore and aft. When you are dry camping these are great for small fans and charging cell phones. I am not sure why there are not more in the Unleashed.
What is going to real nice is the rear ramp.

For those of you that aren't into Cowboy Action Shooting may not realize that in our sport it is what is called a three-gun shoot. That is to say we shoot three types (pistol, rifle, shotgun) of firearms on every stage.

That much steel and lead gets a bit heavy so we carry them in gun carts. These carts can be anything from customized wood carts to converted, jogging style baby strollers.

Back when I had the 3326, I would take the firearms off the stroller and stow them inside the TM, leaving the stroller outside (amazing isn't it that no one messes with you carts and gensets when you have a 100 people in cowboy/girl outfits with rifles and shotguns). With the TH I can leave everything on the cart and push it up into the trailer and down the ramp when we are shooting. Even with my two compadres with me, we will have ample room for two carts. People in our sport with these ramps are envied quite.

The other thing I like about this trailer is that it does not have any slideouts. Slideouts are nice, but they worry me. One friend had a blowout with their land yacht and the damaged controller commanded the the slideout to deploy while driving. No serious damage to the trailer but it took a few hours to get the slideout back in and couple of months to fix the damage to the control system. TMs are about as simple as you can make a slideout so I was never that worried about them failing.

The 27 SBU does not have any and the ramp uses the same techniques as a TM does.

Our Puma is all tile too (and not that dark TH interior either!!!). Another problem with slideouts is that it is rariety to find an all tile slideout. Carpet makes engineering the slideout much, much easier. The pardette and I hate carpet in a trailer especially since we do a lot of dry camping. Next year we are going back to New Mexico and or Wyoming. Last time we were in New Mexico, we swept out the TM 4 times a day. Thank goodness it was all tile!

I am sure we may find the 27 SBU a little cramped at times with 3 guys in there, but it will be roomy enough, and spacious at bedtime. Three queen bunks plus a queen master bedroom, that is going to be very nice. When it is just the pardette and me we are going to love that configuration.

One other nice thing is having a freezer big enough to freeze the canteens we use. Since I will be able to stand them on metal edges, I won't have to worry about the cloth sides sticking to the freezer coils.

Still like I said before I am going to miss the 3326. Too bad TM won't take some of the mods we have suggested over the years and reintroduce the 3326. I think opening up the dinette space would greatly enhance the value of the TM by making it the roomiest of all the folding trailers, as well as the lightest...
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