Thread: Bears
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Old 08-02-2012, 11:28 AM   #14
Posts: n/a

I have backpacked in Yosemite 3 times. For the first two times we used the classic technique of storing food on a rope between two trees. On the last trip bear proof canisters were required for all backpackers. I have 2.

Somewhere I read that the way they certify a new product is they take it to a local zoo. At the zoo is one of the particularly nasty bears that has been permanently removed from Yosemite.

They allow the bear to watch them put his favorite snack inside the canister and then seal it and drop it near him. If it survives an hour then it has passed the test and is certified.

This might be an urban legend.

Bears have learned to see the rope between the trees and send the cubs up to chew through the rope. A friend of mine has had good success by using fishing line instead of rope. In the dark, fishing line is invisible. If there are only two trees then a very smart bear might figure this out. But if there are many trees then it becomes a guessing game, or the bear just gets confused.
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