Thread: Undecided....
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Old 06-06-2008, 07:40 AM   #5
Goodyear Travels
Posts: n/a

My wife and I dearly love our TM. We work as a team in setup, takedown, maintenance, and repair. This is makes for an ideal situation in my opinion. But if you were to "go it alone", and there are some single gals who have done this successfully, you would probably have a more pleasant experience if you tend to be: high energy, mechanically inclined, adventuresome, fearless, and a problem solver. Hey, things happen and 13 week stretches in any trailer might also be pushing your comfort limits. Your nursing assignments will probably be challenging enough. I'm not sure that I'd want to bring more complexity and challenge than absolutely necessary. But once you make the decision don't look back. You'd always have the good folks in this forum to help you through whatever you encounter. Best of Luck.
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