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Old 10-04-2010, 01:58 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Mr. Adventure View Post
Regarding sight lines, there are two possibilities: 1)California wants an impossible sight line immediately behind towed vehicles, or 2)you're reading "behind the vehicle" in the wrong context.

The important sight lines are along the sides of the vehicle in california, just like in Virginia. Think about it: There are important reasons to want drivers to see when they change lanes, while about the only way to be the cause of an accident in the area directly behind you is to back up.

Therefore, I suggest that when California is saying "behind" the vehicle they must mean along the side of the vehicle in the logical field of view of a mirror that's no more than 10" beyond the edge of a trailer.
I always look to see what is coming up behind me.

On an occasion when my wife was towing, she was very surprised when, on a single lane road, she was passed by a Corvette going substantially over the speed limit (it happens).

Nothing bad happened but she was rather startled. I would not have been startled because any time I check my mirrors I check behind me.

It could have just as easily been a high speed police chase instead of a crazy Corvette driver.

We frequently caravan. I usually lead. I like to be able to see my group behind me.

FRS radios also help. They are exempt form the California cell phone law. But that is another subject.
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