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Old 04-22-2008, 05:09 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Bill View Post
Cheri -

*** NO! Don't do it! ***

An air conditioner (any air conditioner) creates more heat than cold. This is a law of physics, and you can't get around it. In a household air conditioner installation, the back end of the unit sits outside, and the heat is vented to the outdoors. The wall mount installation in your TM is the same - the back end sits just inside a vent panel, and the heat is vented outside.

The so-called portable roll-around air conditioners have a hose that vents the heat outside, through a window.

The AMCOR unit is advertised as being ventless. This means that it will vent its heat inside the TM, and since it creates more heat than cold, it will actually warm up the TM. In fact, the advertising says "Keep in mind that while the APC2000E produces chilled air, it is designed as a personal cooler and is not intended to lower the overall temperature in your room."

If you've used it at work, that's great - but it means that the cold air gets blown on you, while the warm air gets shot out into the room (considerably bigger than a TM) and diluted so no one notices.

[Edit - and for the purists among us, no, this does not apply to swamp coolers. But a swamp cooler is not an air conditioner. And you don't want a swamp cooler in your TM.]


TM use was not the primary usage but it would have been nice. so much for that

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