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Old 02-22-2008, 08:41 AM   #1
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Default Chris Weighs In.

Hello all,
Sorry it's taken me a bit to get on and put some of this to rest, but I'm actively looking for a job, and so it's taken more of my time. There are some things that I'd like to discuss.

First, this is a web forum. It's a communications vehicle that has to rely on text to express emotions. I've been part of BBS and web forums since 1983 being on Compuserve. It's tough to do sometimes as we all know that most communication is non verbal, not verbal. As such, it's easy to get carried away in missing someone's bigger point and people get their feelings misunderstood in the end.

That said, we are an open board, but it's still my board. My moderators have always done what they feel is right, and anyone who's angry about their decision is always welcome to appeal to me. Most times I side with my moderators, sometimes I don't. Ultimately it is my decision as to what happens or doesn't. The moderator team has been exceptional, and have done the right things consistently. It's a tough job. They don't get any compensation other than the badge of Moderator, and free acess to the boards.

The issue can come down when the moderators have issues with one another. In all of the years running this board (10 years), we haven't had many issues. I have asked Bill and Leon offline to help me understand what happened, and how they want to resolve this. I apologize that you all had to watch it unfold, but that's how families are see their dirty laundry. If any of you feel wronged by how things have been managed, let me know. If you want a refund of your membership, or want to vent about how things have gone, I have a good ear. Your always welcome to email me or contact me directly.

Thanks for your patience as we work through this, and figure out our next steps.
Chris Tretta
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