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Old 10-04-2007, 09:02 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

I don't know what a hybrid is. Maybe someone can tell me/us. The curtains stay pretty clean and dry as there are seals everywhere along the bottom. They aren't water PROOF but certainly RESISTANT. You do have to remember to close the windows on the shells. Also the front bed privacy curtain will get dirty or wet if you leave it on. I scratched my head a bit to figure out how that happened but it ends up between the shells. It just slides off easy though. The toilet seems easy enough to me. There's just an extra handle inside. I have little to compare it too though as my previous camping toilet was a one handled shovel. Cost is a big factor. The TM is expensive. You can buy a tent camper or conventional box trailer for half the price. I'll take my TM thanks. It's a compromise as it stores and tows nicely but requires a bit of setup and tear down. A Box TT has less prep in that way and a tent trailer more.

Best of luck and happy camping!
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